Open Mic Songwriter's Challenge Week 7 : The Right Time To Say It

Open Mic Songwriter's Challenge Week 7 : The Right Time To Say It


I have to say that I struggled with this one.
I wanted to to write a song about Steemit and crypto, but several readings have told me not to make an emotional connection to the cryptos...
That left real emotional relationship stuff, and lately I've truly been bitter about relationship stuff.

I spent 3 and a half days doing this...

I wrote 3 parts of songs that went absolutely nowhere, and eventually, enough of the week's theme set in that I let go of my bitterness and opened to the here and now.

The whole song is about how here and now are the only things that are true, so now has to be the right time and here has to be the right place.
It works it's way lyrically into the last line of the song.(I really didn't want to force the words in there)

Full Lyrics:
The leaves have fallen down
since we met at the lost and found
I wonder if I still know who you are

I feel that winter wind
and all the changes settle in
damned if you're not still my shining star

Right now is all we have that's true
so we'll make due

I have the deepest fear
I've fucked up beyond repair
you've done a bit of fucking this up too

I've been so stuck in space
where your words don't match your face
but the past is a bunch of gobbeldy goo

But I know you've got the right tatoo
and we'll make due

The elements are in our blood
though we've been stuck in mud
to open up is all we've got to do

I'd book a trip to Hopkinsville
to say I love you still
but here and now are all that's true

Now is the right time to say it too
that I still love you

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