OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week #1 : Pretty Gorgon

Open Mic Songwriter's Challenge Week One : Pretty Gorgon

Here is my entry for the first week of the songwriter's challenge.

It's a love-ish song to a gorgon.
The theme of the week was "broken mirror" and it is in the first/second verse.
"I put a mirror in my mind to keep me safe
But it broke when on the other side I thought of your face"

Full Lyrics:
Pretty Gorgon

Pretty gorgon I've known you way too long
Just thinking of you now has got me turning to stone
I put a mirror in my mind to keep me safe
But it broke when on the other side I thought of your face

Pretty gorgon

Your venom's not enough to keep me away
Cause I got my immunity yesterday
You can slide if you want to another town
But I'm na-ga-na take that sitting down

Pretty gorgon Pretty gorgon

Why don't you come next to me

To know you that way is like a crazy dare
But I'm missing your slither and the hiss in your hair
Maybe you're trouble that it's safer to quit
But I'm like a honey badger and I don't give a shit

Pretty gorgon

I wake up in the morning and I'm wearing a frown
'Cause you got me like a bat hanging upside down
I don't like when a part of me is turning blue
But it wants what it wants and it's looking for you

Pretty gorgon Pretty gorgon

Why don't you come next to me

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