Steemit Open Mic Week 46 : Roving Gambler(cover)

Steemit Open Mic Week 46

This week I'm doing Roving Gambler.
In my head, it's a straight up rip of the Ramblin Jack Elliot version.

Full Lyrics

I'm a roving gambler
and I've gambled all around
Whenever I meet with a deck of cards
I lay my money down

I've gambled up in old Ireland
Gambled up in Spain
I'm on my way to Texas
to gamble my last game

I hadn't been in Texas
Many more days than three
When I fell in love with a pretty little girl
who fell in love with me

She took me to her parlor
She cooled me with a fan
She whispered low in her mother's ear
I love my gamblin' man

Daughter dear daughter
How can you treat me so
How could you leave your mother dear
And with this gambler go

Mother dear mother
I hope you understand
If you ever see me here again
I'll be with my gamblin man

I'll never marry a farmer
He's always in the dirt
The man I love is a gamblin man
who wears a silken shirt

I'd never marry a cowboy
he's always in the rain
The man I love is a gamblin man
who wears a golden chain

I'll never marry a railroad man
this I'll tell you why
I've never met a railroad man
who wouldn't tell his wife a lie

I'm a roving gambler
and I've gambled all around
Whenever I meet with a deck of cards
I lay my money down

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