Steemit Open Mic Week 51 Original Song : Wunjo


Steemit Open Mic Week 51 : Wunjo (original song)

Wunjo is a Futhark rune.
In my unserstanding of the rune, one of it's aspects is joy and happiness. Specifically it is happiness through not fighting the wind. (accepting change)
I get depressed every fall because of how long the winters are in Minnesota.
This song is pretty much about me trying not to freak out as it gets colder.

Full Lyrics:
Like the old nordic rune
I thought that I knew what you meant way too soon
When I asked for you
Then there you were when my wishes came true

When my wishes came true
All over town

Would you help me be strong
When it's autumn in a land where the winters are long
In your swirling of leaves
Help me see what I'm given and take what I need

Help me take what I need
Help me see what's given to me
And take what I need
All over town

Through no fault of my own
My searches for you were misguided and wrong
In a garden of stone
I found that you were trapped inside me all along

I had searched high and I had searched low
I'd searched high and low, but inside of me
Letting you out was the key
All over town

Blessings Steemit.

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