Steemit Open Mic Week 81 - original song "Slide Me Down this Frozen River"

I wasn't sure what song to play this week, but then we got fifteen inches of snow, so I knew it had to be the one about dying in the depths of winter.

I said "lonesome" twice when I meant "frozen." That's been happening a lot when I play this song lately. WTH subconscious?

I wrote this while working on a novel, one of my main characters narrowly escaped serious injury on a frozen river and I had the flash of an alternate possible future where he hadn't. The book wasn't going that direction, but I was able to turn it into a song.


When you brought me to this valley
When you saved me from the war
Dragged my body 'cross the tundra
Cause it couldn't walk no more

I'm sure you thought you were a hero
Bringing me to the promised land
But your frozen little Canaan
Is more cold than I can stand

I know you want it to be be better
Though you can never tell me when
I think that we'll be here forever
Cause I will not be right again

So may my spirit find the water
Though my body's in the snow
Slide me down that frozen river
Let me go, let me go

I spend my days in constant struggle
To still the pain that's ever more
I spend my nights in sweet illusion
Always dreaming of the shore

So may my spirit find the water
Though my body's in the snow
Slide me down that frozen river
Let me go, let me go

You see the frost upon our window
But I can feel it in my bones
Each day your pack is getting leaner
How long till we'll be eating stones?

You thought that you could do a wonder
But now it's time for you to leave
At least then you'll be somewhere warmer
Only a living man can grieve

So may my spirit find the water
Though my body's in the snow
Slide me down that frozen river
Let me go, let me go
May my spirit find the ocean
Let me go, let me go

Thank you for listening!

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