Steemit Open Mic Week #75 - Naked (Original song)

Hi, guys!!

Tonight's entry goes for the @openmic week #75!

I wrote this song today and had only a few hours to record it so I said to myself 'challenge accepted'. I get inspiration out of nowhere lately, it feels just great! I know I owe most of it to this contest. Words won't stop popping into my mind ♥

Anyways, this song talks about where I feel I am at this point in life. I'm about to move out to a new appartment, my first experience ever living on my own, so I'm pretty excited AND nervous! ♥ But I trust life it always turns out well, no matter what! So, I wrote this song thinking about all the things I have to do during the week, and how sometimes it gets overwhelming!

I want to thank @luzcypher, @krystle, @verbal-d, @passion-ground, @pfunk, @isaria and @meno for all the work they put into this contest every week! ♥ You guys have no idea of how this contest and your kind words make me feel!

PS. I laughed at myself when I saw the begging, andd the end! 😂 I messed some things on the guitar but, well... honestly, I like the energy and this is who I am, with my rights and wrongs, so I'm uploading anyways. I really and honestly hope you like it! ♥

'Naked' (Lyrics)

I'm standing naked
In front of the street were I grew up
I don't recall a thing
Who is that girl?
Is she a part of me?
If I close my eyes
Maybe something I can feel
Is there something left to feel?

Inside my heart is aching
but I can't seem to reach out
That little voice inside of me
Turned into a woman now
I know my life may change from time to time
But I still feel
Like there's this little girl
Who's begging to believe
To believe
Begging to believe

Playtime always
Pops into my mind
Right in the middle of the day
Were I have to run
I step on grass and I feel alive
How is it that still forget?
The routine takes my time

Inside my heart is aching
but I can't seem to reach out
That little voice inside of me
Turned into a woman now
I know my life may change from time to time
But I still feel
The little girl's inside of me
Begging to believe
La-lala, larala

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