I've Secretly Been A Steemit Open Mic Official Judge For The Past 6 Weeks (Original Blog)

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Yes, I am happy to announce that I am an Official Judge Of The Steemit Open Mic Contest.

The Team

I was laying low with three others for as long as we could, handling the judging and discussing other aspects of improving the Steemit Open Mic Contest experience. The three other Official Judges are all musically gifted, and passionately talented musicians/performers/singers, the first judge is @jessamynorchard who not only sings, plays guitar, but also raps and blends genres and can freestyle improv with ease and conviction, the second judge is @soundlegion who is breathtaking with her precision vocals and powerful lyrics and driven heart filled performances, and last but not least there is @krystle, who is well versed in live performances in front of audiences from hundreds to thousands of people, she is a great singer and also connects with her listeners with her moving soulful energy and sweet melodies. Krystle is also the PAL/minnow advocate/Steemit ambassador. All judges are kindhearted, experienced in music, easygoing, understandable team members and fair judges who bring a diverse outlook to the judging aspect.

It is an honor and privilege to be in this position of responsibility and be able to give back to the music community our time and effort to keep the Open Mic Contest music community-based and strengthened in and out. Many thanks to @luzcypher for pulling us all together to make the judging system more structured.

I'm thankful and grateful to give my input and feedback on all of the participants each week. There are so many talented artists out there, duets, soloists, improvisational free flowers, and more. I appreciate you all and the inspiration you provide with your music.


Myself as a judge, I look out mainly for Original Artists, and vote these entries to win, so I look for the best performances in this category because, as an original artist, as well, I know how difficult it is to make an original composition or song of your own and perform it with everything you possess. The process of judging is that, us four judges, individually go through all the entries separately, and we all submit our own lists of who we think should win and in which order we feel. And then the winners are decided through this process.

As for Cover-related entries, Only Cover entries which are simply stunning and gripping, that catch me off guard, will grab my attention and my vote. It is easier to sing someone else's song, but you never know the song that can be created and sung/performed by you. I do agree that some artists can sing another artist's song better than the original creator so I keep my ears open and welcome all music entries.

A Bit Backstory

Since learning of the creation of the Steemit Open Mic Contest, I had been consecutively participating in the Open Mic Contest 44 Weeks straight without missing one, with the exception of the very 1st week, due to unawareness. After 44 weeks of nonstop passionate music giving, the time constraints finally caught up to me and I wasn't able to enter anymore due to other priorities.

I wanted to give you all a full 52 week's (one year's) worth of Original Music Live Performances from me, showing a diverse range of stylistic approaches of HipHopEmceeing, Singing, Piano Playing, and genres, but I am sure many will agree that 44 is more than enough to show my love and experience with music.

For many, music is fun, and that is a big element, but also, for me, I know how powerful words, intentions, energy, performance and impact are with music. Music can truly save lives, resonate and awaken, and change the worlds and perspectives of many. So I take it very seriously for myself the majority of the time :)


So, since I am no longer participating in the Open Mic contest, I am happy to sit back, give support, and be a listener and an official judge from now on. But you can always visit my page for Rap Challenge Entries and Beat Battle League Instrumental Entries that I produce as well as singles I release on my page as well as through ADSactly Records with @sirlunchthehost, @rondonson and @adsactly. I'll be scouting talents to bring into the Blockchain based ADSactly Records Label, as we are looking for artists who can effectively introduce Blockchain and cryptocurrency inspired music. Stay sharp and give your best entries in the Open Mic for this week.

Thank you for reading & listening to this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

All Gifs used from Giphy.com

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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