Openmic entry Week33: Light a Spliff (Original Song/Lyrics)

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Hello again openmic crew. First of all thanks for the inspiration to get my music out there. I've always been a hobbyist musician and I'm glad be able to spread the joy of music and expression. For years I have been able to benefit from the hard work of other musicians and I'm happy to be able to do it too, even if just a little bit :D

This song is an original I wrote at a very tough time period in my country. A newly elected government put certain areas (mostly poor and afro-centric ones) of the country under a state of emergency and in so doing, gave the Police the authority to enter persons houses with no warrants, and the ability to stop, search, arrest and imprison persons at their own discretion. This led to a lot of dark skinned and poor persons being victimized and at the time, I was scared for my life, as well as pissed. I have never been to jail or committed any crimes and it was a difficult period for me, wondering if my door would be kicked in at 3 am and my rights denied.

Luckily, I managed to get through that period without much trouble though I can't say the same for many others. This is how I felt, I hope you enjoy my expression in song :)

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