Steemit Open Mic Week 72 – 'Home Tonight' (Original Song)

I wrote this song in early 2011, not long after returning from a year-long, solo journey through India and Nepal. Coming 'home' was hard – I wasn't sure where that was anymore.

Divorce had preceded my trip, and I was acutely aware of how alone I was in that moment. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing – simply the truth in that moment. This song showed up as a bit of an expression of my inner dialogue at the time.

I was trying to pull myself up by my bootstraps – to remember that I was perfectly capable of navigating this life on my own.

A rough recording of this song became a comfort to a friend as she was passing and was then used for a slideshow presentation at her funeral. You just never know how you'll touch someone's life...

Big Love,
xo Zippy

I know – there are no secrets in this life
no hidden meaning that I will someday find
no one's gonna come and make it all alright
I've got to find my own way home tonight

there's a bitter wind blowin'
and I'm comin' home
home tonight....home tonight

too long I've been wanderin' down this lonely road
draggin' my feet with heavy things, I would not let go
searchin' for ways to fix me, and to make me whole
but my soul's not broken, no...

it's just old...and tired of walkin' alone
but I'm alright. I'll make it home
home tonight...home tonight

so I open the window and stretch my arms wide
I'm ready to leave it all behind
like a little sparrow, unfolding for flight
I trust these little wings to carry me, oh so high

fly – little bird, fly
all the way home
home tonight...home tonight

I'm comin' home tonight
home tonight

Heartfelt thanks to @luzcypher, @krystle, @soundlegion, @passion-ground, @verbal-d, @meno & @pfunk for all you do to make this happen each week. You're all amazing.

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