Steemit Open Mic Week 78 – 'Anchor' (Original Song)



Every now and then, a song will write its own story – breathing itself into being in the space of just a few hours.

'Anchor' came through in such a way in 2011. It's a melancholic reflection on the similarities between inner and outer space – an ode to the loneliness we all feel at times – a heartfelt reminder of the invisible connections we share with those we love.

Though I didn't know it at the time, it was written for Karen – my best friend since age 17. She'd recently lost her mother to cancer after losing her father, in similar fashion, many years earlier. Her response both times was to recede inward – to shut the world, and me, out.

'Anchor' was my gentle appeal – my assurance that she could take as long as she needed...that I'd still be there whenever she felt ready to come back out/down.


Two weeks ago, not long after midnight on the 14th of March, I found myself singing this song into the ear of my partner's father. It calmed him during a moment when little else did. He passed away later that day.

Today, as I've grappled with yet another loss – this time of a magnitude far too great to comprehend – I felt this song fluttering against my tender heart, softly requesting that I give voice to it.

Though I did try to record subsequent takes, I've chosen to share my first attempt as I believe the greatest way I can honor those I've lost is through grief – I couldn't make it all the way through without crying. I've clipped about 10 seconds between my intro and the song's first note in the interest of trimming a lengthy video, but the rest remains 'as shot'.

It is raw – honest – imperfect. As it should be.

In loving memory of John Koster and The Hart Tribe: Jen, Sarah, Markis, Hannah, Devonte, Jeremiah, Abbi & Sierra.

With all my heart,
xo • Zippy



sometimes, gravity fails you,
and down seems like so far to fall
you fear that you might drift away
and nobody would notice you were gone

the stars are drawing you near
space is cold and deep around you, dear

it's a big sky, big sky, little one
you're a bit high, bit higher than the sun
but there's a thin line inside everyone
to guide our flight while we glide high above

darkness is pullin' you in
your body feels starved of oxygen
way beyond the earth's atmosphere
so far now, you might just...disappear

the stars are drawing you near
space is cold and deep around you, dear

it's a big sky, big sky, little one
you're a bit high, bit higher than the sun
but there's a thin line inside you, my love
to guide your flight while you glide high above
So fly, my love

I will anchor you
I will be the thread you tie your kite to
I'll weave the strands of you into my own
and keep you safely grounded in my soul

my heart is drawing you near
a place so warm and sweet awaits you here

it's a big sky, big sky, little one
so go on, fly so high beyond the sun
because that thin line inside you, my love
it is tied to mine – we are one


Heartfelt thanks to @luzcypher, @krystle, @soundlegion, @passion-ground,
@verbal-d, @meno & @pfunk for all you do.

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