#OpHumanAngels: Little Free Libraries are AWESOME!

The Little Free LibraryMission.jpg

I've been wanting to check and see if there were any Little Free Libraries near me for a while. @phoenixwren visits the Little Free Libraries near him for ops all the time and it always looks like a lot of fun. Well let me tell you friends, it was more than fun, it was AWESOME

Let's see how this op went... (Little Free Library shall be abbreviated to LFL from now on cuz I'm lazy) 😆

First I checked online and found there were 4 LFL's near me. But I knew there was one more that wasn't on the official map, there's one right in front of my kid's preschool! I grabbed a stack of books that the kids aren't interested in anymore...

( the book on the bottom is a mystery book. I have no idea where I got it, probably on a trip to the dollar store when I was really high ) HA!


Also grabbed some art that I made and some Steemit cards with messages on them for each box. I didn't know if I'd be able to make it to all 5 LFL's, but I was prepared, just in case!

First stop, by the preschool.


Hey! You're Awesome!

Next stop was not that far away actually. I had to drive down the road that my parents used to own a house on. We lived there from when I was about 2 until 6ish? My parents lost the house when my dad was injured at work one day and his company laid him off. He was out of work for a long time and they couldn't afford the payments. This is the house:


I always drive pretty slow down this road so I can take a long look at the house as I drive by. So many of my best early childhood memories were in that house.

But I hadn't quite reached the spot I can see the house from yet when I slammed on my breaks to take a picture of this:


A message of love just feet from my childhood home. 😍

LFL #2


A message from me: You are a beacon of light! Shine on!

And a message for me: Have a great read!

Now, at this point I hadn't realized yet that the map I was using on my phone also had pictures of what each LFL looked like. As I pulled up my next destination, a picture popped up. I almost squealed with joy to see where I was going. This was truly a huge treat for me. And I don't want to spoil the surprise, so instead you've got to see the drive I took to get there. This one was out on Padilla Bay which is a gorgeous beach with water as far as the eye can see.

The Drive.jpg

Gorgeous right?!

And there were these cool signs:

Wake up! And Slow Down With a buddha on it.

There was even chicken lawn art for @lyndsaybowes!


ok ok.. finally...the LFL I was so excited for!


Are you freaking kidding me?! I was fangirling so hard!

(And because I know @davedickeyyall is gonna notice, yes, my hair matches the Tardis. It's on purpose this time since I get to meet David Tennant in a few weeks!) 😚

This was exactly the right place for the rocket ship suncatcher I made!

And the abstract practice art I made! haha


I was running short on time and the next stop was just about another 20 minute drive from the Tardis LFL. This was gonna have to be my last one for the day. But I felt good about that because of how much fun I had on my little adventure. Here's the final stop:


Spread Love Everywhere


Thanks for coming with me on my newest #ophumanangels adventure! Love and light to all!


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