Calling All Human Angels of Steem (Operation Human Angels)

I'll Tell You All About It

Could you imagine earning crypto by brightening the days of strangers? That's what is happening right now. Human Angels of Steemit are doing some very serious Angel business, and by posting about their actions, they are earning crypto thanks to the glorious Steem Blockchain.

So far we are a small group, there is @phoenixwren, @davedickeyyall and myself and I'm making this post as a call out...

I'm "Calling All Angels!"...

It was just too good to resist!

What Do I Do?

It's so easy and simple you'll laugh, however it is a tad bit harder than it sounds too because it requires a bit of courage. What you do is leave empowering messages around where others will stumble upon them. You can write on paper, and hide the notes around. You can use a post-it note. You can sidewalk chalk. You can paint rocks and leave them in locations where the perfect soul will find them.

@DaveDickeyYall painted up 4 rocks and left them around his neighbourhood. I talked to him this morning, they are already all gone!! You can read about his adventure in full: This walk rocks..... OpHumanAngels edition to see his other ROCKIN messages!

You Can Even Go Black Ops!

Some serious Ninja skills here @davedickeyyall! Under the cover of darkness, making the world a brighter place Dave set out to Reface the world, you can read the full story: OpHumanAngels walk... Black ops edition and see what other signs were left for the neighbourhood to find.

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Chalk is @PhoenixWren's LoveWeapon of Choice! He's been decorating his neighbourhood with very empowering messages, the above message can be found in the post Walk With Me in Denver #22 if you'd like to read all about it!

This one is fresh off the presses! @PhoenixWren was out tonight! Here's the full story.

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This is another one of @PhoenixWren's creations. I wonder if any of you can imagine the courage it takes to chalk like this in broad daylight as folks are walking and driving by? I really hope you'll read this one because it was such a terrific blog, he really turned his own day around by trying to brighten the days of others, you'll love this >>> Walk with me in Denver: Fuck Depression Edition.

@PhoenixWren wrote my only advice.

To make the messages as meaningful and heart string pulling as possible, write messages that you need to hear. What would change your life if you read it? What would your Guardian Angel want to tell you so badly? Give that to others...

A Few From Me :)

So What Do You Say?

Are you up for the challenge? If you are, make sure to post using the #OpHumanAngels tag and I'll be sure to find it. I'll check the tag daily for new Human Angels of Steem posts, and if for some reason I don't find your post (because sometimes new tags act wonky), you can definitely let me know by leaving your post link in my comments.

And if you'd like a few more ideas, you can watch the video below (you'll see us in it doing our Human Angel thang in Edmonton, Alberta!). Our family, and a few of our friends back home, have been doing this for many years now, it's great to be spreading it even further on the Steem Blockchain, where our actions will live forever. Keep Inspiring!! Operation Human Angels...ENGAGED!

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