My Messages To The World Part V ~ Final Introduction To Operation Human Angels

In My Messages To The World Part IV

I introduced Op Human Angels, particularly the aspect of it where we hide notes of empowerment, love and wisdom all around cities and towns in hopes the 'right' individuals will find them and it will positively impact their day, maybe even their lives.

Today I will share a few more ideas for messaging that we have used in our travels, some were even written by friends who joined us on days where groups of us would hit the streets together giving free hugs, hiding and handing out notes, as well as chalking. I haven't gotten out there in about a year, and it's time I started doing this positive activism again. I'll be incorporating it into my walks now, a natural evolution of "walkwithme".


Many times I would sit down with the boys and some paper and paint, to use the art we would make as the cards. I would cut up the paper after the paint dried, and write the special notes on the backs of them. I find the children add such uniqueness to the notes, so opposite of the sterile flyers and signs we are so used to seeing out there advertising to us everywhere we look.



Bathrooms, the perfect place to be a Human Angel Ninja!






Drop them at the bus stop.


Or if you're feeling extra brave, chalk.


You Can Never Be Replaced! When I am thinking about what to write, I think about what I would like to hear. What I need to hear. What would change my day if I were to stumble upon it. A message just for me. That's what inspires a lot of what I write for Op Human Angels. So if you are going to do this, think of the things you need to hear, and say that to others. If there is one thing this world needs more of, it's authenticity, vulnerability, empathy and kindness.



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We put some of our own 'graffiti' on theirs :) On some you had to take the paper off to read the message written on the back.




Last but certainly not least, use those sticky notes! They're great because they don't do any damage the way tape can. Also, you can be super swift with sticking them. @Hendrix22 (my husband Brendan) was an ANIMAL with those things. I'd write on a whole bunch of them, and then hand them to him as he was pumping gas, or at the Timmy's drive thru and he'd stick em for me. He's an awesome partner in Love Crimes.

Operation Human Angels #WalkWithMe Coming Soon...

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