My First Tag With OpHumanAngels At The Medical Clinic In My Hometown

OpHumanAngels Tag it's about doing random acts of kindness. Like helping anyone. Helping a stranger, doing something from your heart. It doesn't have to be something to buy with money. You can just be kind in other ways, like write messages on paper, and we hide the messages around our village, where others can find them and it would make them happy to read the message

After I read and see what is OpHumanAngels I really like this idea, with this Tag we can be more care with others and the important thing is to make people be happy with what we do . The first time I was confused what I would do with this Tag but after a few days I found the answer. I think that people who are sick have very sensitive feelings and they need something that can make their feelings happy and if that happening they can recover faster and have a new spirit

I am reminded that there is a clinic nearby that my place and I will do this project for them and I hope they can be better when seeing that I do, because if done with the heart will surely get to the heart. This is my Operation Human Angel for the first time

Location One


This is the Clinic and have more drugs in here , i put in this place because it can seeing for anyone

Location Two


Every morning the doctors and employees here always seeing notice board , this best place to put in

Location Three


I put this one for workers are here because they need some word to get more spirit for service all people that come to here

Location Four


All words on patient bed in checking room

Some of these cards I give by myself for the patients who come here and I am very happy to see their expressions when looking at this card


It's sad seeing many sick today, I hope you are get well soon



Smile is the best medicine


Get well soon because your family miss your smile

I don't give this card to the patients only but also to the nurses here who have served the patients with amazing service. salute to all of you. this is a some word from me to you are awesome people

This is the nurse are workers in this clinic and one of them is my friend. Thank you for him for allow me doing OpHumanAngel in here .

Happy face :)

happy nurse :)

Thank for your kindness Lyndsay Bowes because bring me to this project

When we see people happy we will also feel it, and today I do things that I never done before and after doing this project I feel a very happy feeling that I have never felt before. Thank you so much to @lyndsaybowes I raise hat for you :)

Thank you for reading this post and hopefully give a positive impression on you after reading this post

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