OpHumanAngels - It's Fucking Cold Edition

After reading @davedickeyyall 's most recent #ophumanangels (@davedickeyyall/the-buck-stops-here-ophumanangels), I wanted to go out and do something. I thought, hmm, maybe I'll go put some more stuff in a Little Free Library and do some more chalking. Then I looked at the temperature:


That's degrees Fahrenheit, for my non-US friends, well below freezing, and I am a cold wuss. So I said, well, damn, not going on a walk ...but I still want to do something!


...so I decided I would get my ninja on and break out the Sneaky Cards. If you haven't seen this game before, it's part dare-you-to-be-social-and-give-strangers-cards and part random-acts-of-kindness type stuff. I had actually played this particular card before, but the person took the free soda and did not take the card to pass on! I was like, come on, humans, play the kindness game! So I played it a second time on the soda machine in the courtyard of my apartment building:


Then I left one of the aforeblogged homemade cinnamon rolls for a neighbor (I did not take a photo of it on their stoop, because that would be creepy):


Then I took my bundled-up ass as far as the nearest bus stop, to play another Sneaky Card:

They were going to expire today anyway! RTD does offer free rides to deter drunk driving on New Years, but not until later at night until very early in the morning, ie, when they expect people will be staggering home drunk.

Here is the decorated courtyard. They love those big blow up decorations, lol:

So that's my #ophumanangels for the day, sans chalk. ;) The temperature in degrees Celcius after I was finished:

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