Fuck yeah Sanrio valentines and Milky Ways. Let's do this. 😁
Under cover of darkness (hat tip to @winstonalden), I shall go and distribute treats. I'm the Valentine Faerie. 😂
"You are appreciated," to the super of my building.
Told ya it was dark. That's her mail slot.
I see the good in you
You got this!
You matter
To three cars on the block. "You got this!* went to a truck with a snowplow. We REALLY appreciate them! Side note: I am wicked short. I struggled to reach the windshield wiper on that one. LOL
Your guardian angel said to tell you that you're loved
On the card reader for one level of garage in my building.
We're all in this together
On the level two garage card reader.
You are stronger than you know!
On a car in the garage.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
In the elevator.
And in case you were wondering, they're all addressed to "You!"
That's it, y'all! Have a happy Valentine's Day! 💗