Energy vampires.

I wrote that each person has a certain aura.
By the way, if we are in virtual reality, then we must be some sort of energy charge. A sort of life force.)

So in any case we are sources of energy.


But any energy source has to be feeding, otherwise it just runs out. We hold themselves getting energy from food. But equally important for our auras carry our emotions. Our thoughts and feelings. We ourselves filled the field around him with energy.

I already wrote that the suffering of black envy the success of others, people begin to mentally (and sometimes loud) to spew curses and hatred.
Seeing that they have something does not work, start pointing fingers around and again dumped a huge amount of black energy.

This energy cannot be the source of life. She is dead in its essence.
Being inside your own stench, one begins to wither. Loses strength and health.

On instinct, the body begins to require positive energy. For it alone gives strength and even healing.

There are many cases when hopelessly ill people suddenly were healed without any treatment.
The people found the inner harmony, faith, drove away the black thoughts and thereby cleansed his aura. And recovered!

People don't know how to charge yourself with positive energy start to look for the possibility to obtain it from others.


And then they start looking for sympathy. They need to cause someone's shame.
Once the person is ready to agree with him that "all the goats around," he immediately becomes a donor.

I would even say food. Because it begins to give off the positive energy part of the energy vampire.
Yes, Yes it is a vampire. As the man who can not (or will not) charge yourself with positive emotions, will steal them from others!

Therefore, we must learn to live deriving pleasure simply from its existence! Wishing all prosperity and health. To clear the energy of life.

And definitely need to envy the success of others. But to envy white envy. I mean be happy for this man and strives to achieve the same success. And maybe even more.

And then the energy vampires in the world will become smaller and may disappear altogether.

All prosperity and health.

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