Fuck I made the mistake of going back over by Facebook, and now I'm pissed off again. Stupid place.

Hey Again, Steemitizens,

Over on Facebook, the endless political debates that go nowhere and the theater of absolutely useless virtue signalling continue without us.

I made the mistake of stopping in over there. Something I have done maybe half a dozen times in nearly 9 months since discovering the sanity and intellect that lives here on Steem, getting along mostly aside from some famous drama queens here, and changing lives all around the world together with projects like @YouAreHOPE and so forth.

Color, race, culture, religion, none of that matters when you are feeding starving orphans together around the world, right?

So when I learned of a school shooting in Florida near where I used to live, I went to FB for news of loved ones in the area there. Some had students IN those schools, but luckily for me and my friends none of our loved ones were directly involved in the tragic and heart wrenching event. Only nearby when it happened. My heart is with those who were injured for quick healing and with those who faced such sad loss of loved ones and their children in Florida.

But that said, the same stupid debate rages on here in the States, with the paranoid and afraid yelling BAN THE THINGS and the rational and sensible seeking REAL solutions.

Like this one. This was my first non-steem promo post on FB in 9 months. And it ain't wrong.

Posted on FB today, 2/17/2018 by me:

REAL advice.
The rest of you who think this article is wrong and keep yelling "ban the things" are pretty unbelievably wrong about how that works. (Hint, it won't, and can't even, and it's incredibly naive, inaccurately biased and just plain ludicrous to think so. See article within. Don't just take my word for it for the last 8 years here.)
How's that gun-free zone, drugs being illegal and alcohol having an age limit, along with the thousands of existing gun laws, working for you so far? Adding more and expecting something to change, are you people drinking underage, on illegal drugs? How do you even come up with this nonsense? Seriously, really? Wow, just wow. There are literally ZERO statistics in your favor, and millions proving this "ban" idea to be just flat out stupid.
Remember prohibition? History? Nah, course not, that doesn't signal your virtues well enough.
Read this and learn how to REALLY start affecting the long term culture change we need to solve this problem:

THERE’S A WAY TO STOP MASS SHOOTINGS, AND YOU WON’T LIKE IT. There’s a Way to Stop Mass Shootings, and You Won’t Like It.


Founder @YouAreHOPE Network
Founder @SteemStarNetwork
Steem Witness
Firearms Owner - and they have never hurt a soul, but they have saved a convenience store operating man from assault by five large men armed with baseball bats and stopped a car theft by two men on my own block in two different instances where I ended a crime by carrying a firearm. What has your virtue signalling saved?

Also- I don't advise trying to rob me either, I won the bet in this 28 second clip and I'd win that one too...

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