Article about parents dying younger after having their kids taken from them.

Here I will write an article about parents dying younger after having their kids stolen from them.


Here is an article that talks about how having your kids stolen from you can lead to suicide and heart disease. I know this first hand as I have been having serious health concerns after having my son stolen from me. I once trusted the staff at my son's school but now I will hold them accountable. I cannot beleive they have the power to take people kids and think no one will respond. I never forgive as I never have to ask for forgiveness. I do not do wrong by people.

A study was done about suicides of mothers and the article states and I quote "We found that the rate of suicide attempts was 2.82 times higher, and the rate of death by suicide was more than four times higher for mothers whose children were not in their custody."

Another study found that mothers that have their kids snatched end up dying early at a higher rate the article is quoted "We found that mothers whose children were placed in care were 3.5 times more likely to die from avoidable causes (e.g. unintentional injury and suicide), and 2.9 times more likely to die from unavoidable causes (e.g. car accidents and heart disease)."

The article has a picture that seems to blame white people but I do not get into race baiting identity politics. I do not think white people are responsible for this. It is a failure of government yes and as well as each individual that works for CFS/CPS as well as the monsters that make the policies. These people should have their pensions taken away. They have ruined my city.
They walk all over people rights and close their eyes to what becomes of these children. They are the new age nazis slowly gassing those who lives they have destroyed.

You Krysta Shaw have affected my health by taking away my child. When you first gave me back my child you knew I did not hurt my son.
I had showed you the FBI verified pedo symbols and showed you a few. You acted very unprofessional and said inappropriate things to my mother. You did not know the one party consent law and now you hide and refuse to answer my calls.

You Sharon Cheung have affected my health by making Krysta take my child. You are the worst in all this every story I tell you of kids being sexually exploited you would wash you hands of because it was out of your pay grade. You did not know the one party consent law and accused me of having delusions.

You Joanne DeCruyenaere have affected my health by aiding CFS in the legal kid napping of my child and refusing to cooperate in helping me make a defense all I wanted was a list of names of those that work with my son so I could make subpenias yet you would not cooperate.

You Bernice have affected my health by aiding in the legal kidnapping of my child. You in grade 1 convinced me to allow my son to chew a toy like a damn dog in class.

You Silvia (my sons teacher) have affected my health by playing your role in the legal kidnapping of my child. At the start of the year he was doing all his work and you thought it was your teaching skills I let you have it but the truth is I took away all his games and said he could only play chess unless he did all his work. If he did all his work and listened he would be allowed to play other games on the weekend.

I will not accept you sick fucks after what you have done to my son and I as well as my family.

My mother is getting worse as she has diabetic neuropathy and her condition worsens with stress and she is losing her eye sight.

My health has never been this bad I normally do landscaping in the summer as I enjoy working outside and making garden beds. I am not healthy enough to do that now. I usually made 4 posts a day but my health is failing.

You all will be held accountable but I doubt that the law will protect me as I know too much about what happens to kids in care as well as every pedophile I know was retired early from the school system after they had misconduct or works in government and is supported by the law.

What I started is never going away.

You are not on the right side of history.

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