We Give Food Away For Free. One Of Our "Customers" Came Yesterday Bearing Gifts!

How cool is this?  About a month ago, a mother and daughter came by our house to pick up some free organic veggies, and eggs.  Whenever we have abundance, I make a sign and put it out on the street alerting the community of our excess.  

I also post in local buy/sell/trade/give groups, and that is how I met the two lovely ladies I'm writing about today.  They actually drove in from Halifax (about a 40 minute drive) just to pick up the organic produce.  

Well, we had a surprise!  My husband came in the house while I was washing dishes and told me I had some visitors.  The ladies were back, and this time bearing gifts!  Homemade chocolate chip cookies (I'm assuming were for our kids...oops...I've been left alone with them for too long) and homemade sweet pickles.  

There are a LOT of good people in this world.  That's one reason that we give away our food, it's so great to talk to so many different people, and food is something that we all have in common.  Everyone agrees the grocery stores are literally robbing people, and we get to spread the ideas of Grow Food Not Lawns & Food Is Free Project.  I have a feeling these ideas will take over soon, you can see in the news, Americans are having their gardens attacked in many cities, for being "ugly".  Really what they don't tell you is:  If we suddenly realize that all we need is each other, and not corporations and the state, it's game over for them!  The idea is simple:  

This is a sign we made and display on our front door, to initiate a food co-op in our community.  I imagine in 5 years one half of houses will be growing small crops of food, or raising animals.

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