Origami - Making more Omega Star, participation prize

I made a post about these a month ago and was really happy with the response. I really like the model and ended up making a bunch more and decided to share them.


Since some people already made these before it will be a lot easier to make again, I'm also hoping to see some improvement. I'd love to see some feedback, whether you struggled less, took you less time, looks better. I'll be giving away 0.2SBD for every poster, process pictures appreciated but not mandatory. No need to make a post, just a comment with the image. resteem appreciated but also not necessary.
The time limit is 7 days.

I'll just mention the people who made these last time here, hope y'all don't mind: @marblely @gmatthe2
@kwaiifaneite @javiervasquez @littlescribe
Here's a good tutorial on youtube(not by me) for anyone who wants to give it a shot. good luck ;)

Two nights ago was a pretty nasty storm out, I'm in Dalmatia currently, trees were falling, rain flooding everything. I went fishing the next day(weather was like nothing happened) and got very worried. the stray cat that usually appears when I get there didn't come. I was there for about an hour feeling anxious when suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see a white fluff ball. Was so happy and relieved, immediately gave her a fish. She even got comfortable enough to eat next to me, used to go away and come back when she was finished, probably worried I'd take it away. It was very dark and I didn't want to scare her with my phone flash to take a picture, maybe next time.
This reminded me of a old comic:


Cat photos also very welcome in the comments(no more than 5 per person :p )

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