Steemit Takes a Big Step Forward, & #Original-Content Tag Curation / Update

A big day for Steemit Today! We got us some Cover Arts!

WOW! What a cool and unexpected surprise today!

As we were all chatting on Discord, @Acidyo brought to our attention the new Steemit Cover Art Feature which was added today on Steemit!

While it isn't perfect by any means, It is a HUGE STEP FORWARD in the right direction.

Why you may ask?

In my opinion, making Steemit look more and more polished and interesting will only help the Platform grow. Let's be honest, the basic blue box worked up until now, but it was super simple and basic. It didn't allow for any creativity at all for your blog profile.

This new cover art feature will open lots of doors to people to use their creativity to make their blogs stand out. They will come up with great ways to use this feature. It will also create opportunities for the digital artists and photographers out there to maybe help other Steemit users make some really awesome Cover art for their blogs! There are still some adjustments that need to be made, as I noticed some photos look great on a desktop, but Tile on Mobile, etc... but overall this was a really big step forward to evolving the LOOKS of Steemit.

What do you think? Do you like this new feature?

#ORIGINAL-CONTENT Tag Update, I will be Curating this Tag!


As I posted yesterday HERE, I am encouraging everyone on Steemit to start using the Tag #ORIGINAL-CONTENT if they are posting Steemit Original Content. This means the posts should only contain Text, Images, Video, Etc that was CREATED BY YOU ONLY...

No Sourced Images Please!

I understand people like to use sourced stuff and that is fine, but this Tag is intended for 100% Original Content, that preferably is only posted to Steemit exclusively. This of course can't be enforced, but Please help out the Steemit Community and use this #ORIGINAL-CONTENT Tag ONLY for 100% Steemit Original Content.

Feel free to use this tag also if you do a lot of Steemit Curation or reviews of Original Content!

I will be manually Curating this #ORIGINAL-CONTENT Tag Daily
as part of my Steemit Curation.

Post some cool and interesting stuff, and you will most likely see a vote and comment from me!

Here's to a bright future ahead for Steemit,
and Let's see that awesome #ORIGINAL-CONTENT! 😁


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