Steemit Open Mic Week #47: Here, Now, There & Then (original)

Song starts at 1:35 into the video. If you want to skip the back-story footage, you can go right to the start of the song at 1:35.

Dearest fellow Steemian Brothers and Sisters; please do lever up your patience a notch or two, and indulge me if you will, as I musically and metaphorically digress amidst my recent time in caring for (boarding) two rather amazing dogs - in addition to my own, of course.

As such, I suppose this could be considered somewhat of a (half-ass) mini “Steemit Music Video” vs. your typical straight forward openmic entry… But, nonetheless, I hope everyone appreciates it for what it is…

Since I knew we were in for a storm later that evening, and I was aware that the large yellow lab “Sheeba” got quite scared from thunder, I thought it fitting to perform a song I wrote a while back about warning of a storm, and reaching out “Hear, Now, There, & Then,” to be with, care for and comfort all those friends and loved one’s I am most close to.

In this case, though “Sheeba” couldn’t possibly heed my warning about the pending storm, I’m quite certain she got the full benefit of all of us being there to comfort and console her in her time of duress.

I don’t quite know what happened to the sound in the 2nd chorus – it sounds super-flanged out – rather than try to figure it out and fix it, I just decided to leave it as is.

Hope all of you enjoy the journey as much as we did!

   Here, Now, There, and Then

   Here I’ll tell you what I’m seeing’.               
   Now I’ll ask for your ear.
   I see there’s a big storm comin’.                  
   It’s what you gotta hear.

   Here now,- there and then.
   Stand by with me,- friend.

   Now I pledge I’ll be true to you.                        
   And I’ll ask - if you please.
   Can’t you see there’s a big storm comin’?       
   Girl this ain’t no tease. 

   Here now,-there and then.
   Stand by with me,-friend.

   If you could read my mind girl, -           
   I’d know that you’d be mine girl.
  When-ever I think of you,                            
  It makes me crazy - tell you what I’ll do.

  If you could see the signs girl,          
  I’d know that you’d be fine girl.
  When-ever I think of you,                            
  It makes me crazy - tell you what I’ll do - I'll sing... 

Until next time, to all my fellow Steemian Musicians who labor tirelessly in the name of love for music – thank you for doing what you do! I so appreciate all of your artistic efforts and talent!

And as always, thank you @pfunk & @luzcypher for making this all possible…

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