The Ballad of Ned's Head for @everlove and @merej99

All liquid STEEM earned by this post will be forwarded to support @everlove's journey 'cross the world to Amsterdam and the upcoming STEEMfest. Now you may know I've done some crowdfunded trips in the other direction (ie Yerp to Texis an' back) and I know both the knotted stomach of anticipation and the joy of getting unexpected support from strange quarters.

This here's a strange quarter alright. It started when @merej99 drew my attention to the whole project and posted a picture of @ned's head as a starting point for collaboration. I drifted down some false trails and then realised I was doing the opposite of collaboration, I was just trying to do it all on my own again, so I did what I do best, make up stoopid songs and sing 'em with me ukulele. And for some reason, I found myself making up nonsense out of words that rhyme with Ned and Head.

If you want to take the audio and put some other pictures to it other than my big old head, the audio is here You're free to do whatever you like with it as long as you mention me in passing - Creative Commons CC-BY

Parental Advisory: This video does not contain any actual Ned or his head.

Vote big shares and encourage all your family, friends, enemies and pets to do so too. We want to make @everlove squeee.

Oh and here are the words I wrote in case you want them:

Momma gave me Ned's head
Wrapped in a bedspread
Three miles from Hampstead
Swingin' off pig lead

Couldn't eat cornbread
Couldn't even drop dead
Waiting for the bloodshed
Fighting with some Dragon's head

Beavis and Butthead
Riding on a bobsled
Half a pound monkey bread
Soaked up in sudafed

(mouth trumpet solo)

Chewin' on some cheese spread
Super heavy hash head
Lyin' on a bunk bed
Doesn't know he's brain dead

Kids go unfed
Crying in the woodshed
Daddy says go to bed
Don't play with Ned's Head

Could have been a tiger if your momma hadda breastfed
But you just go to bed
An' don't play with Ned's Head

Please just go to bed
Don't play with Ned's Head
(repeat to fade)

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