Announcing the winners of #originaltag challenge - #6 + We are moving to a new level!

Before I start to congratulate the winners and all the participants of this #originaltag challenge, I will like to say that I will try to make this challenge even better! Yes, I think is time to provide more attention for the people who are participating in this challenge and this is what I'm going to do:

  • I will upvote all the entries to this challenge daily [ I know I didn't do it so often in the past, but this is going to change in the future ( since today)]
  • I will resteem every day 5 entries to this challenge ( I will pick them random, and every day other users, this way I will be able to resteem all the entries of all the participants)
  • I asked @pfunk to make a new room for #originaltag in the ( this way you will have a chance to promote your posts and I will be able to have a better track for your entries)
  • I have made a new logo for this challenge that you will find it below ( I hope you like!)

I want to thank @anca3drandom for this logo she have made for this challenge! Don't hesitate to check her blog because she is such a great artist!

The winners of #originaltag nr.6

For this edition, the participants below have won 10 steem each, so there is no podium this time! Let's take a look to our winners and their amazing entries!

@karenmckersie with Cool Downtown Kelowna Street Art ! Taken today !

This post is really amazing and I want to thank @karenmckersie for participating in this challenge. The original tag @karenmckersie used is: streetart. Not only that this tag is cool, but is also relateted to her post! That's the main purpose of this challenge!

Congratulations, you have won 10 steem! 

@ace108 with Views from the National Library | 国家图书馆里的风景 (by @ace108)

Wonderful photos in this post from National Library, thank you @ace108 for your participation in this challenge. The original @ace108 used is: nodrone. What a great and creative tag! I love it!

Congratulations, you have won 10 steem!

@aksinya with Is Second Winter Coming? Make Steem! Not War!

You might think that's an entry for @papa-pepper's contest, but trust me is more than that, so you should check it out! I also want to add that she has awesome art skills, so you can check her blog here. This was her first time she enter in this challenge, and I think she might forgot to use an original tag, but to encourage her to do it, I will reward her too! Thank you for your participation @aksinya

Congratulations, you have won 10 steem!

@kalemandra with My SoulDoodle painting: Autumn

I will like to say that she have such amazing art skills and I think she needs more attention from Steemit users, so take a look to her blog! You won't regret it. Thank you very much @kalemandra, for your entries to this challenge. 

Congratulations, you have won 10 steem!

@ddschteinn with "Opening Literary Lines To The Moon" ~ One Late-Night Steemit Adventure ~ Original Photography and Story in Opening Lines ~

Not only that he made such cool photos, but his story is really touching and a good read! The original tag @ddschteinn used is:  #literarylinestoafullmoon. How cool is that? What do you think, is that an original tag? I bet it is! Thank you @ddschteinn for your participation. 

Congratulations, you have won 10 steem!

@kus-knee with The Old Dog Asks: Has The Piggy Bank Really Died?

This post made by @kus-knee was such a great reading and I loved so much the original tag he used for this post. The original tag @kus-knee used is: piggybank. I think that is very creative and funny in the same time. He is such a great person and a wise man who to follow. Thank you @kus-knee for your participation. 

Congratulations, you have won 10 steem!

This is what you can do if you want to support this challenge

  • Vote on this post
  • Resteem this post
  • Create at least one entry
  • I also need a judge for this contest, so if you are interested, contact me on
  • If you want to see more people using original tags on their posts, you can also make a donation and I will include it in the prize! (use as a memo originaltag)
  • Be creative and defeat your fears!

The rules are simple:

  • First tag of your post must be original and it has to be related to your post
  • You have to include #originaltag in one of the five tags( it can be 2nd or the last I don't care)
  • Try to be creative with the last 3 tags left
  • The winner will be announcet on Sunday in another similar post

If you want to help this #originaltag to become bigger, any kind of donations will be highly appreciated. Until then, I will keep rewarding the people who are participating in this challenge with 60 steem! I wish I could do more. I'm opened to any suggestion from anyone who wants to help!

Congratulations to all the participantes and thank you for your creativity!

EDITED: I have good news: the room for #originaltag it's available:

Use wisely your tags for your posts and you will be rewarded!

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