All about kinesis and kinesis team leadership information (my entry for writing contest) #originalworks


Onetary System

Kinetically Charged Asset Backed Yield Bearing Monetary System of Shared Economic Wealth For a Successful and Sustainable Future.


Since money belongs to the would seem that the community may control it as it wills, and therefore may make as much profit from alteration as it likes, and treat money as its own property.

Nicholas Oresme, Traictie de la Première Invention des Monnoies (1355)

We naturally imagine that the spot on which we ourselves stand is fixed, and that the things around us move. The man who is in a boat seems to see th shore departing from him, and it was the doctrine of the first philosophers that the sun moved round the earth, and not the earth round the sun. In consequence of a similar prejudice, we assume that the currency which is in all our hands, and with which we ourselves are, as it were, identifed, is fixed, and that the price of bullion moves: whereas in truth, it is the currency of each nation that moves, and it is bullion, the larger article serving for the commerce of the world, which is the more fxed

Henry Thornton, An Enquiry Into the Nature of the Paper Credit of Great Britain, 1802

In the same way our sun unconditionally delivers an indiscriminate share of energy to planet Earth that stimulates life, we present a comparative energy system to stimulate the movement of money, assets and hence overall commerce and economic activity in a fair, honest and rewarding process. It is an entirely newmonetary system, which is based on movernent, kinetics and velocity. We name the system Kinesis. The Kinesis system is an evolutionary step beyond any monetary and banking system available in the world today. It enhances money as both a store of value and a medium of exchange, and has been developed for the benefit of all Core to the mechanics of the system is the perpetual incentive and thus stimulus for money velocity. Outside capital is attracted into Kinesis vía a highly attractive risk/returnratio and then put into highly stimulated movement , promoting commerce and economic activ ty . his s achieved through giving money , 1 0 % direct allocated asset back ng and then attaching aunque muiti acete ve stem i ai y shares t ewe it generated by the system according to participation and money velocity

Aside from offering the greatest store of value and striving to provide the most efficient medium of exchange, Kinesis is a monetary and banking system focused on: minimising risk; maximising return; stimulating velocity and maximising the rate of adoption.

Kinesis defeats Gresham's Law of Money that asserts "bad money drives out good by highly incentivising good money to circulate and be utilised as an effective medium of exchange, Someone who values money over other money is inclined to hoard it and not use it as a payment currency,.but rather use the less valued currency for payments. This model has been broken in the Kinesis system as the reward for using the valued currency is so tremendously strong The primary currency chosen for the Kinesis monetary system is a kinetically charged physical gold backed currency. Gold being the greatest store of value. indestructible in every sense,physically rare in quantity and has been appreciated by human civilisation as money for longer than anything else. It is the money created by our universe and not by people. It is created by a rare cosmic event of two neutron stars colliding, so rare that the first time this event was witnessed by humankind was 17 August 2017. Hold gold in your hands and you can feel its energy. It is the colour of stars, it is the money of the universe. Gold is the undisputed champion of fair,honest and sustainable money. Put allocated gold on a kinetically charged decentralised rail system and you have a very special monetary system. We believe this is what we have achieved, and a lot more. The Kinesis system can be overlaid on top of anything that can be standardised, traded and stored as value. Accordingly, we are developing a kinetically charged cryptocurrency suite with allocated title of bullion, fiat bank notes, cryptocurrencies and other assets that are securely physically and digitally stored in our allocated Kinesis banking and asset management system By attaching a yield to currency or asset tokens. risk/returnratios can be forecasted and virtualy all currency and investment asset markets can be targeted and infiltrated. As such, over time we plan for more currencies and assets to be added, ultimately infiltrating more markets spread across the world
Other cryptocurrencies with value determined by the anonymous decentralised blockchain payment capabilities and their controlled supply scarcity are all at risk of losing value as their initial founding value proposition is diluted by others coming into the market with enhanced solutions. This is evidenced by Bitcoins' dominance continuing to fall and has been witnessed in many other industries and markets throughout history as competitors rise. A major contributing factor to the volatility in cryptocurrencies is that they are impossible to value. By intrinsically backing a currency, hence back-stopping the value and defining the risk, and then placing ayield on it defining the return and providing superior value, then a currency which is safe, stable and rewarding is created with a highly attractive investment risk/return ratio attached. This form of currency has necessary real application in both commerce and private transactions, along with attracting capital from institutional and retail investors and savers This is not just a currency, this is a new parallel monetary and banking system to sit alongside but integrated into the legacy problematic centrally controlled fiat and fractional monetary and banking systems the undeniable superior alternative This model is highly revolutionary alone, however to take it the next step further, already in place is a highly disruptive retail and institutional commercialisation strategy with unique distribution and committed adoption from day one of launch. Pre-existing investment commitments are in place for the Kinesis currency suite which will surpass the largest ICO to date by a significant multitude. Kinesis is being developed and being brought to launch by a consortium of industry leading organisations in the precious metal trading. mining.refining, exchange, technology, blockchain, mobile banking. vaulting, postal system and marketing spheres. From launch the system will have extensive institutional and retail distribution integration liquidity and adoption Our liquidity, which will be provided by professional bullion market participants and others,will enable billions of dollars of value to eficiently enter and exit the market. Direct and indirect integrations will provide for immediate adoption into hundreds of millions of users Z With the evolution of blockchain, cryptocurrencies and mobile devices, the people of the world have been presented with a profound opportunity. It's an opportunity to apply empowering creativity to money and be part of a person-centric revolution. We have now been enabled to adopt and support asystem that individually and collectively benefits us all based upon nothing more than participation. This system combines new world decentralised technology with the oldest, fairest and most sustainable form of money, to empower and serve the interests of us all equally and capitalistically.

⚙️Kinesis System ⚙️

Kinesis is a ful-circle monetary system made up of all elements/functions required for a successful and effective monetary system. These differing functions make up different business units within the group They are follows:


Kinesis Currency Exchange (KCX)
The wholesale market where the currency is created (minted) in an institutional centrally cleared exchange with deep liquidity and connectivity into global wholesale trading organisations via Allocated Bullion Exchange (ABX)

Kinesis Blockchain Network (KBN)
The blockchain network where all Kinesis counterparts are connected via highly efficient blockchain technology. Kinesis currencies can be sent,spent, saved or traded through the blockchain Coins purchased in the wholesale market are emitted into the KBN with incentives based on money velocity.
Kinesis Blockchain Exchange (KBE)
A blockchain digital currency exchange where Kinesis and other digital currencies can be traded. This is being developed internally to ensure deep liquidity for the Kinesis cur
Kinesis Financial Network (KFN)
An established mobile banking system with a digital currency wallet where Kinesis currencies can be used for savings or payments, remittances and money movement This facility also has a Mastercard and Visa debit card and accompanying companion card facility providing the ability to use Kinesis as a payment currency across the world'
Kinesis Commercial Centre (KCc)
An online aggregator platform of goods and service providers, enabling the Kinesis currency suite to be seamlessly utilised as payment for listed merchants

👥Leadership Team 👥

Thomas Coughlin



Chief Executive Officer (Executive Director)

Thomas Coughlin is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kinesis Cayman as well as Allocated Bullion Exchange (ABX). He has worked in the investment, funds management and bullion industries for apprdximately seventeen years. His professional portfolic management career spans the foundation of the boutique investment company. TRAC Financial,to the establishment of a highly successful Absolute Return Fund Thomas has dedicated a significant part of his career working collaboratively to build the complex systerns of a cross-border international buillion market with an extensive global network of central bankers brokers, fund managers and advisers.His experience,of extensive network and broad knowledge of capital markets enable him to deliver exceptional value and insight to all stakeholders

Michael Coughlin



Chief Financial Officer (Executive Director)

Michael Coughlin is the Chief Financial Officer ICFO) of Allocated Bullion Exchange (AEX). His tertiary account ancy education was completed at the University of Southern Queensland, with Post Graduate studies at the University of Queensland in Economics, and Canberra University in Taxation Law Michael has a total of 41 years experience as a CPA in the accountancy and financial services professions. He has awned and operated a Brisbane based public accountancy firm and financial services company since 1984. Awarded a Cadetship with the Australian Taxation Office in 1973 he worked in the audit and investigation areas experience,of he Australian Taxation Office, and eventually in the interpretation and Advising Branch of the Takation Office's Head Office in Canberrauntil November 1979 at which time he commenced in public practice

David cCharles


Non Executive Director

David Charies is a Director of the Allocated Bullion Exchangni A awyer by trade, David Ras protected.and atvanced the Interests of some of the laresst and most prominent entitlies in the world, across David's experience spans corporate structuring cross-border mergers& acquisitions capital markets and private equity,insurance, intellectual property and planning & environment law. David holds a Bachelor of Laws (Commercial Liaw from the University of Queensiand and a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice He is admitted/registered in several jurisdictions worldwide

David Underwo


od Non- Executive Director

David Underwood graduated as a teacher from the University of Southem Queensland in 1974 and worked with the Queensland Department of Education until 1977 During his time in Queensland Parliament he was the Shadovw Minister of Health Education, Tourism and National Parks serving numerous Parliamentary Committees Following his resignation from Parliament, he was a consultant to business and industry for a number of years prior to becoming the Mayor of ipswich City for four years until local government amalgamation of Ipswich City and Moreton Shire in 1995 David has been a shareholder in ABX since its inception, and beings wealth of experience anid policy expertise to the Board

Rosalyn Chariton



Chief Technology Officer

Rosalyn Chariton is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Allocated Bullion Exchange (ABX) As an Agile Practitioner, she has coached and led sizeable teams of professionals and directed numerous successtul projects using Agile strategies Rosalyn is aresourceful and insightful professional with a natural disposition to strategic problem solving using both her extensive knowledge of Agile methodologies and her inherent problem solving skills. AppingIntercontinental these skills through strategic architectures and technologies, Rosalyn ensures that business objectives are always fully comprehended and met Her areas of expertise include IT Strategy Strategic Management. Agile Development and Management Methodologies. 5CRUM, Kanban Enterprise Architecture Principles Development Team Leadership Management, Effective Team Dynamics, Collaborative Management Change Management, Business Process Design and Analysis

Eric Maine



Chief Strategy Officer

Eric Maine has more than 30 years of senior management experience in the exchu andrkets His most positions in the Asia Pacific Re Development at the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange (HKMEX Head of Product Development and Management at Singapore Exchanige (SGXI and Head of Product Research at Singapore Director Market Mercantile Exchange (SMXI. Eric has also feld positions a AppingIntercontinental Exchange (ICE) and the New York Board of Trade Outside of the excharge space. Eric has held senior level management positions including Senice Managing Director o Canning/Maine Inc a New York based investment firm, Managing Director/Head of Metals at Allied Irish Banks Vice President of Metals and Mining at Prudential-Bache (now Jefferies Bachel)

This post is thanks to @originalworks


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