Structure Proposal Questionnaire - STEEM UNITED by @jackmiller

Overview/ Executive Summary- In a few paragraphs describe, in simple terms, your structure design and its purpose.

A company run by a management team voted in by Steemians.

For more information;
Refer to:






Purpose - What is the primary purpose of your structure?

The primary purpose is to justly review and consider “proposals” put forward by Steemians who are working on projects or programs that can further enhance or expand Steem and its uses.

Primary Benefit(s) (of this structure) –

####What are the benefits of your structure design?

  1. The formal body which we keep referring to as “the future foundation” shall be a registered company in a “tax haven”.
    Hence ensuring as such flexibility and freedoms in all future business dealings.

  2. Likewise as such, it places “the future foundation” as an equal in business, when dealing with other businesses. Which ensures that there are no obstacles in corporate representation when our representatives are negotiating in the name of Steem in the corporate sector.

What problems does it solve?

A separation of powers as described in the proposal ensures that there is less chance of any “conflict of interests”.
Although in reality “money talks”, the management shall be voted in by the people and as such can be removed by the people.
Steemians are the “foundation” that ensures a smooth ride!

How does it benefit the community?

Namely by assisting and co-funding projects and programs that shall as a goal expand our options as Steemians. Likewise with a business agreement in which the funds are subject to legally binding contractual terms and conditions in which all profitable endeavours co-funded have an obligation to give a proportional amount of “shares”, the ecosystem shall in due course become financially independent and not be a burden on our Steem rewards pool.

Steem does not have available funds from an ICO, however we do have an ecosystem that is more than capable of being used proficiently so as to make Steem go to the moon.

Financial independence is the key to success for any such “proposed new foundation”.

Without it, basically all we have is another “parasite” that keeps bleeding the system.

Mission -

What are the goals in this proposed foundation and how will they be achieved?

Explained above.

But here is a short list.

  1. Separation of powers.
  2. Long term financial independence of this branch within our ecosystem.

Instead of “giving” money away, it shall be investing into co-ownership.

After all, this is business, not a charity!

Organizational Structure -

What will the actual structure of the foundation look like?

11 managers (board) chosen by Steemians.

Formal owners of the company to be the head initial investors. In this case, as per the statements made that would be Steemit Inc.

After all, they are donating 3 million Steem (if understood right) and to think that anyone would just give their money away to be “handed out at will” is ludicrous.

As per my proposal, all cheques must be signed by the owners. It is their money and a such this gives them every opportunity and right to audit any proposed contract in which funds are obligated.

Hence ensuring a fair and reasonable business practice.

Foundation Members -

How will the members of the foundation and their roles be decided?

A voting system would have to be decided upon by Steemians.
However, there is the case of potential abuse by “multi account” owners.
Hence a KYC will have to be put into place for each voter.

A formality that ensures there is no abuse.

As far as the votes go, it will be up to all fellow Steemians to decide on DPOS or one person/one vote.

Either way, there will be those who are not satisfied with the decision.

Leadership -

What levels of leadership, if any, will be involved?

As per the proposal, the 11 managers (board) are those that call the shots.

Community Involvement/Communication –

What role does the community play in your structure?

Community with all its relevant components, including but not limited to:
Community groups, witnesses, corporate bodies, investors and all Steemians (stake holders) shall have 100% access to all communications and most importantly,

The eleven managers are as a whole there to represent the best interests of Steem, which includes all of the above listed, but as per Steem United – there are all levels of stake holders (Steemians) represented EUALLY.

How will they be represented?

2 managers per “level” of stakeholders shall have the full responsibility to ensure they are in touch with what Steemians are looking for in the process of expanding Steem.

How will communication be kept open?

Recommended tool for communications is Discord, as an obvious choice.

Accountability -

How will this foundation (under your structure) hold themselves accountable to the community?

As all communications are done in a transparent and open manner, this alone ensures that any Steemian can have insight into all the dealings of the management.

How, if any, will the community be able to remove members if they fail to hold true to the principles and mission put forth by the approved structure?

Somewhat like a “Petition” will have to be made a formal means of deciding how this can be done.
It shall have to be fully compliant with the voting method, i.e. DPOS/One person= one vote.

Again, the community shall decide how this shall be incorporated into the “Statute” of the management.

Fiat Legal Structure -

What type of entity is it?

Registered Business/Company.

Foundation Funding -

How will your structure be funded?

Initially from the donation/investment that Steemit Inc. (Ned) mentioned.

Will it depend on fundraising, profit based ideas, donations, etc?

As described earlier, the proposal is for co-funding projects and programs. With the terms and conditions that this then becomes a contractual agreement upon which proportional rights to the eventual profits of the co-funded projects/programs shall make.

It would also be feasible that we consider a % from the rewards pool.

As the initial pre Steem White Paper didn’t foresee these requirements, it is now obviously clear that the rewards pool should also serve as a means to grow Steem, giving it the possibilities to become financially independent in corporate (real world) expansion.

Project Funding -

How will future projects be funded?

Mentioned above.

Exclusively co-funding, as those “proposed projects/programs” that the proposing parties do not believe in to the point that they are not willing to invest their own capital into, definitely are not worth getting into.
“Nothing to lose” is not an option.
This ensures that there shall not be a load of potentially “fraudulent” business plans put in front of the management staff. But instead professional business plans that cover all the aspects of what is required when requesting funds from any institution or body that deals with “money”!

What process will be included?

The 11 managers need to decide upon how they wish to work.
Their “Statue” as I have named it shall describe all decision making practices and procedures.
After all, these are the people who will have to work together and make decisions and managers are more than capable of putting together a formal “Statute” with T&C’s for their future conduct of business.

What role, if any, does the community play in this?

The community are the auditors!

Steemians choose/vote, just as we vote for our one and only governance, so too we vote for those managing our "corporate" / "real life" sector.

It is clear that our formal governance has not been able to cover these requirements, this "new foundation" falls under governance and as such should be treated as such.

We have an opportunity to fix what to date has been a failure and the responsibility lies on all of us Steemians (stake holders) to choose wisely and not make the same mistakes as in the past.

Collaboration/Interaction -

How do you see your foundation design interacting with projects like the coming Steem Worker Proposal (Steem DAO) by Blocktrades?

Definitely a body that shall have all the corporate freedoms a company has out there, while the DAO is a piece of “code”.
This is the Real Life version of what the DAO is unable to be.
So it will work perfectly with the decision making body for DAO funding and likewise the DAO funded projects and programs.

All answers here are brief and to the point.

So as to ensure any comparison chart made using these answers is clear and understandable.

Yours truly,


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