My Hero's Tale

"Angel's Fish"


Though she loves to travel the depths of space, this interstellar Angel has a very special place in her heart for the ocean's of our Earth. She exists in her own dimension and can communicate with water-dwelling creatures.

Turtles are one of her favorite travel companions as she searches the depths of the ocean for untold treasures. Rumors have been floating around that there is a long-lost access point to the fabled mines of Morcryptia, hidden in the bottoms of the ocean, somewhere.

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Angel is going to find the EOS, and when she does, she will use her new-found power for good. She loves our planet and wants to see it flourish. She feels our pain and sadness and will do whatever she can to make the world a better place! The best way to do that is to empower each of us to be conscious creators in our own lives and so she wants to show us the way to the mines, so we can have our own EOS.

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