A Thought Squall...Plus: A Recipe!

Life's A Blizzard So I Made Some Freaking Paleo-Friendly Lemonade.

I thoroughly squeezed the juice out of this poor thing!

That slimy, son of a hook-tending, mole rat Punxsutawney Phil saw his bleeping shadow, and guess what!? I woke up to a foot of snow. Now, snow is a part of life here in North Idaho, but we were experiencing a gradual thaw and our total snow-pack had been reduced from the depth that I call hip busting agony down to the more manageable level of thigh crushing torment. Well, howdy, we be bustin hips again round here!

I wouldn't have minded all the new snow had I been able to stay home and enjoy looking at it from the picture window in my living room. However, I get to open the library for the community one Saturday a month, plus my daughter had a basketball game and team pictures. Usually this would not be a big deal either, but you know what makes it a big deal? The Great Influx. We have a ton of new people in our area that haven't seen one of our "normal" winters yet. These poor creatures either think that because they have AWD that they can cruise through 12 inches of snow on the road at 60mph with no problems, or they have to drive so slow that a cat named Molasses would beat them to town. Add them to the locals that get impatient at the folks who drive a little too slow for the conditions and you get a road rage/distracted driving/all out traveling snowpocalypse for all to enjoy.

It's all good now though, as I am lounging next to a blissfully warm fire with my laptop and Big Kitty as my companions, Steeming away like a boss. There are always things to be grateful for, and my wood stove is one of them. So is the fact that I ordered all of my garden seeds yesterday, or that after I finish this I am going to head over to @son-of-satire 's excellent blog and read all of the entries to the Fifty-Word Fiction Frenzy contest and vote for my favorite!

With that, and because I believe in providing something worthy enough to be called content in all my blog posts, I leave you with a recipe for what I am sipping on this evening:

Lemon Limeade-A Sugar Free, Quick and Easy Concoction

8 Cups of water
1 large or 2 small lemons
1 lime
1/4 tsp of stevia

Squeeze the juice from your citrus, add it and the Stevia to your water in whatever vessel that you deem worthy to hold your refreshing citrus libation. Whisk it until it is thoroughly amalgamated, and enjoy!

The refreshing beverage that I am currently sipping makes me think of this place, its image resurrecting powers are that impressive!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken by the author on my lemon juice disinfected iPhone.

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