Panama Critters.

Wife Screams, Cats Going Nuts I Know It is Panama Critter Time.

On a monthly basis my wife breaks out into ear piercing screams as a neighbor decides to enter our home. Not a human neighbor but the type that crawls on all fours, eight or maybe in the future slithers. Yesterday I caught this harmless skink getting chased through our house by the cats. Last month it was this baby iguana!

Now to most people this may seem scary as hell. Not for me, I happen to be an animal lover. I am able to save 90% of them before Patricio ElPavo Hilarski or Susie LaAssasina Hilarski makes quick work of them.

The Problem is Not Patricio so Much Since He is a Lover and Not a Fighter but This One is Pure Kill Everything That Moves!

Once in our old house Anabell and I were shutting down for the night and I came across one of these. It sent shivers down my spine! What the hell is that abomination? We both freaked out as I swept it out of the house. Apparently it is a Tailless Whip Scorpion. They are harmless but how is a Yankee like me supposed to know that? I am not taking my chance.

Currently we live in a gated community about 30 minutes from Panama City, Panama. The neighborhood has a river and jungle on one side. Our home is only 30 meters from the jungle so you can imagine we have interesting critters living nearby. We regularly have Sloths using our power lines as highways!

When living in a tropical paradise you have to expect that sooner or later you are going to have a visitor. The hardest part is dealing with the shrieking wife. The cats are manageable. If you are thinking about moving to Panama make sure to connect with me. I am happy to assist folks who are looking to make the move.

Randy Hilarski

Don't Forget to Follow Me Here on Steemit.

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