Freewrite: Sacket's Harbor Orb

Sacket's Harbor Orb

     Round Is A Shape Of An Orb... The investigation had been uneventful. In this case, that was a good thing. A family had been experiencing strange activity that involved their young daughter. I was invited to help out and three of us drove up to Sacket's Harbor, NY. Let me tell you, if you ever have to take a long car trip, bring a psychic along. You won't be bored. I'll write about that some other time. We met up with a couple of investigators who were already at the house. Overall, nobody experienced any recordable phenomena. There was, however, a noticeably positive feeling coming from the house and the family.

     After finishing our part of the investigation and sitting down with the family, we decided to drive over to the area's battlefield. During the War of 1812, Sackets Harbor became the center of American naval and military activity for the upper St. Lawrence Valley and Lake Ontario. Unfortunately, the sky also decided to start dropping water all over everything.


     Pulling up to the battlefield, I had the same thought most people have the first time they see one, that's it? It was a small field with some houses dotting the outskirts. If it weren't for the signs identifying it as a battlefield, you'd never know.

     Our team psychic parked the car on the side of the road near one of the houses. The battlefield and house on her side. I was in the passenger seat. Because of the rain, we didn't get out of the car. She rolled down her window and began snapping pictures. She handed her phone to me so I could check out the images. The pictures were peppered with dozens of orbs.

     Of course, I thought, it's raining. When it comes to evidence of the paranormal, I have rarely been impressed by orbs. If you take a picture outside when it's raining you will almost certainly get orbs. Especially if you use a flash. Light from any source can reflect through the water moisture in the air and create orbs in your picture. It doesn't even have to be raining. It could just be a humid day. Light can also reflect through dust and insects. With today's digital cameras being so sensitive to light, it's no coincidence that more and more people capture orbs in pictures.

     I didn't say this out loud, I just handed the phone to the other team member sitting in the back seat. She didn't seem all that impressed either. Did we think we were going to fool a psychic? This time she snapped a photo of the house. She looked at what she caught and, once again handed her phone to me. Again, there were many orbs that were clearly from the rain. However, there was one orb that immediately caught my eye. It was in front of the house - on the porch actually, about head height. Inside the orb I saw a head staring back into the camera. There was no question. It wasn't blurry or out of focus. It was very clear and I could see every detail. It was a man with a bushy beard and he was wearing one of those hats that looked like the hats you see civil war soldiers wearing.


     Yeah, one of those hats. We agreed that not having a paranormal experience at the house was a good thing. But, I know we didn't want to drive home without experiencing something. This picture certainly satisfied that desire. I wonder if the psychic knew that gentleman was standing on the porch? I wonder what the man was thinking? Did he think the camera was a weapon? I imagine he is probably used to tourists by now.


Thank you for reading and congratulations to @MarianneWest for the 100th #freewrite!

Second Battle of Sacket's Harbor(Wikipedia)
Civil War Image


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