Feeding a Curious Brain.

"When somebody dies, where will all his stuff go?"

-- was the question that came out from my 8-year old son.

What the...

I almost fell off my chair!

Com'on! He just finished second grade! Do second graders really need to worry about that?!

But then, I found myself obliged to answer. The easiest possible way I could think at that moment.

"Their stuff stay with their family." I said.

Then I went on explaining the basics of inheritance and life insurance... (raising eyebrows?! I know! Haha) I found the opportunity to inject the subject so I grabbed it.😆

So I continued... "For example Mommy dies, and daddy is still alive - all her stuffs will go to daddy. But if daddy and mommy both die, our stuff will be divided equally among you, little sister and little brother."

"Daddy and mommy are saving now so that even if we die, three of you will have our savings."

Did he understand what I meant?

Children are naturally curious. They wish to satisfy their wildest imagination. So I am betting that he understood. Not fully perhaps- it will take a lot more explanation to cover the topic. But now at least he has an idea. Something to tickle his curious brain.

End (or not) of the conversation

Having said all of those above, I still reiterated to my son the fact that he is still a child. He need not worry about getting old or death.
Just enjoy being a child.

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