Kids, Candies and Politics- Is It a Good Mix?

My 6-year old son is in a campaign flyer.

For student body of course. Last Monday, my first grader Raphael excitedly announced that his name is on a flyer. And it was indeed. He was lined-up in the running for the glamorous position of...



His school directress decided to line him up in one of the parties running for student body this year. I would have appreciated a heads-up, but seeing his excitement, Aunt Amelia and I decided to go with it.

Everyday after school I always ask Raphael how his day went. Monday was no different, this time though he started his tale by taking out goodies from his bag. He had lots of candies in small plastic bags! And with each bag there is a campaign flyer for other students also on the race.


I realized that candies are vital in this campaign.

Some part of me wanted to scream- This isn't right! Isn't this the kid's version of bribery?

But then I realized, they are just kids. This must be one way to get them excited and engaged on the event! And seeing Raphael's enthusiasm, full-support-mommy was unleashed.

The usual printout flyers usually gets thrown away after the goodie bag was opened, a waste of paper. I decided to create small bookmarks instead that kids hopefully use even after the campaign is over.


I thrown in magazine cutouts of popular kids shows to add some fun!


And of course, candies must simply be there!



The election is on Friday, and we're all set for tomorrow's campaign!

We have practiced his lengthy speech too.

"Hi, my name is Raphael. Please vote for me for escort."

To gauge his take on this, I asked a few questions.

Miel: What will you do if schoolmates vote for you and you win?
Raphael: I don't even know.

Miel: What does it mean when they vote for you?
Raphael: It means they like me?

Miel: What is the job of an escort?
Raphael: In flying the airplanes of course.

I think he may have misheard 'airport' for 'escort', but I did not push further.

Obviously at his age, he still does not understand position, politics and what it entails. Still, I embrace these activities as a means of wholistic growth for children. Will he win or not? It doesn't matter. I will be his rock whatever the outcome is, and in the end, what matters is the fun and experience derived from this.

Steeming happily ever after,



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