LIFE IN COMMUNITY -- How does that play out for the children?

Life in community is truly a blessing.

I never even considered living in community before, as my life as a "family unit" already seemed to be just about as perfect as it gets.  It wasn't until after I divorced and my children were grown, did I decide to help create community and make my life about it.  

~My experience living in community also spills over into my experience here in this Steemit community.  Steemit was never something I dreamed about, as my life seemed quite complete without it.  But, now experiencing the family vibe, love, camaraderie and support shared here, it has without a a doubt greatly enhanced my life in so many ways.  I believe that this community too, is the wave of the future.~

I now live at the @gardenofeden,
where the vision is a sustainable life of responsible freedom.

My days unfold generally in great enjoyment of such an experience.  (I say generally, because choosing a life that is in great contrast to most, is often met with judgment, resistance and attempts of control.  This, however, is a subject for another post!!)

My day-to-day life is of profound joy as I get to be with people who I love and who love me.  I get to express my passions and share them in ways that have true meaning for others.  I get to be in service by giving all I have to make this world a better place, and I have support and genuine care given back to me a bazillion fold.

My days are gratefully mostly filled with playing with the children.  There is so much to learn from tuning back into the joys of being a child, when life was simple, and everything was possible.  We are blessed that these girls stay at home and get to experience the vastness of community life, and are surrounded every moment with people who love and care about them on all levels.  

I'd love to share with you some of the beauty of my day in this physical community, as I wish for you and your children to also experience a life that truly inspires you everyday!

We woke up in the Garden of Eden

We had our morning top-notch nutritious healthy start with homemade fruit vinegars and fresh picked garden green juice:

We got dressed up 

Donning the magical boots that enhance superpowers,

and took the light saber and other gear out on an adventure,

We made a couple of mud pies in a cardboard pan using a broken shudder batter spreader.

We concocted a dark and chewy brew of  hot chocolate, which they have decided to share as a surprise with our family. 

 Of course we used recycled containers for our packaging, giving new purpose to the old.  Kids get this concept immediately -- they are joyous to be helping the earth while they play.

The girls delivered me the mail--oh!  Look what I got -- new furniture!   Yes, we all fit our little butts on our new comfy couches, while we sampled our homemade hot chocolate brew.  Truly grateful we don't have to purchase these things to be in enjoyment of them.

We gathered firewood for the community for our dinner cooking session.  The girls don't see this as work or chores, as they are overjoyed about being a contributing part of the whole--"What can I do?  How can I help?  Not only are they helping, they are becoming stronger, more capable and more responsible every day--with ENTHUSIASM!

These beautiful squash are going into our dinner soup!  The girls know where their food comes from!

Their wood hauling has fueled the rocket stove for preparing our community meal.

They are always excited for a daddy back ride, which is especially cool since their daddy (and their entire community) stays at home with them all day and night long.  The girls have access to being with him as much as they want every minute of the day.

They also took Rosey out for a ride in the forest to find hidden treasure.

We discovered many teeny tiny treasures

that we sorted into a used egg carton, then used to decorate our surprise invitations to our family hot chocolate party.

The invitations turned into quite the handmade masterpieces, which will dry in the sun while we have a snack and refreshing herbal activated water.

We took a moment to care for a basket of laundry.

Strung a special piece of bark that already had two holes, onto a dried piece of grass to make a stunning necklace.

And relaxed on our real couches while we watched the cows graze in the pasture.

The end of a long day of productive play, lands QiQi once again in the arms of daddy's love.

We can rest, basking in the delights of these days shared in quantity AND quality time with each other.  A child-led life is one of great wonder and inspired imaginings.  These children get to explore their world on their own terms.  There are no hours spent under artificial lights while sitting in a desk, doing copious amounts of paperwork for a grade. Our day was FREE--from cost and from the agenda of others.  They learn from experimenting, from experience and from the masterful people who also share their talents here...master gardeners, master chefs, master food preservationists, master web designers, master interior designers, master pattern makers and clothing designers, master craftsmen, master party and event organizers, master musicians and artists, master organizers, master marketers, master helpers and master players. Free one-on-one tutoring from people who love them dearly.  

Oh what an amazing life this is for us all,
and especially for the children.  

I hope you get to spend all the inspired time you wish with your children,
and that they get to experience the true juicy life of being a child with you.

Now I'm off to more play!

Perhaps you'll leave me a comment on how you invested your day!

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