Red Wellies # 6: 👶🏼Teething Pain and How to Manage it 👶🏼

Freyja will be 3 months old this week and could start to teethe at any moment and so I thought it would be helpful to post some information on this subject and ideas on how to manage the pain that they experience.


What is Teething?
Sometime between the ages of 4 – 7 months and in some cases as early as 3 months, your baby will start to teethe. This is a process of their baby teeth pushing their way through the gums. Thankfully not all their teeth come through at once 😊


You may notice that they are irritable, have red cheeks and are drooling more and chewing on their hands. Some may even experience a slight fever which can be managed with medication on approval and guidance from your pediatrician.


Teething Solutions
There are many options available when helping your baby cope with the pain of teething including some topical gels, ointments and pain medication, but I prefer to try more natural remedies as listed below:

Baltic Amber Necklace


When our youngest boys were teething, I bought them both Baltic Amber necklaces and it seemed to me that it helped them tremendously. Our oldest son at one point had four teeth coming in at once, and his poor gums looked so sore and swollen, but he never fussed at all.

That was enough to convince me that they worked and convince me to purchase one for Freyja.

Amber teething necklaces work by releasing succinic acid from the beads when warmed by the heat from the baby’s skin. Succinic acid occurs naturally in the body and when released has an analgesic effect to relieve the pain of sore gums.

When purchasing a Baltic Amber Necklace, please do your research and purchase from a reputable source. Unfortunately, there are many fake products readily available made from glass or plastic. My recommendation would be to purchase from Inspired by Finn, I’ve purchased many necklaces from the over the past 10 years.

In doing a little research for this post, I came across a few negative reviews citing the necklaces as a potential strangulation or choking hazard and that they don’t work.

There are two distinct sides to this story, those for and against. Some believe they work and other that there’s no truth to it at all. I’ll leave you to decide for yourself.

The American Academy of Pediatrics doesn't recommend infants wear any jewelry at all.

I cannot stress enough that these necklaces should be used under supervision always and removed when the baby sleeps, even during naps. If possible, consider using an anklet or bracelet instead.

Cold Wash Cloth


When our older kids were little, the trend was to use a frozen washcloth or other teether that could be put in the freezer, but this has since been proven to potentially damage their gums. Instead, stick with a cold wash cloth to alleviate and numb the swelling. Tying a knot in one corner can give them something thicker to chew on.

Wooden Teething Ring


When choosing any teething ring, be sure to purchase it from a reputable manufacturer. The wooden ones we have purchased for Freyja are available on Etsy from Bannor Toys and SimpliSkincare.

One of the benefits of a wooden teether is that it’s naturally anti-bacterial and any bacteria generally doesn’t live long or duplicate on it. To clean you just need to wipe down with a damp cloth.

With the bunny ears teether, simply remove the fabric "ears" from the wooden ring and throw in the washer.

Rubber Teether – Sophie la Girafe


Since 1961 Vulli has been manufacturing this baby and parent favorite. Made from 100% natural rubber from the Hevea trees growing in Malaysia, Sophie is the perfect friend and teether for your little one.

Sophie is indeed a unique toy and not just a teether, she actually stimulates all 5 of baby’s senses

  1. Dark spots provide visual stimulation for baby
  2. A unique and easily identifiable smell
  3. 100% natural rubber, a comforting texture for baby
  4. She squeaks when pressed to stimulate baby’s hearing
  5. Soft parts to soothe baby’s sore gums

As with a wooden teether, you only need to wipe Sophie with a damp, soapy cloth.



Using a clean finger or washcloth, massage baby’s gums by apply pressure can relieve the pain before the tooth cuts.

Caring for Baby Teeth
Don’t forget that once baby’s first tooth appears, start cleaning the gums with a soft washcloth or training toothbrush at least twice a day.

I hope that these ideas will make teething a relatively pain-free experience for your baby and you. If you have any other methods not mentioned here, please let us know!!

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Original content by @redwellies


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