Mama Drama


This is what I hear on a daily basis, well every time I go somewhere, and you know what I do have my hands full. I have three little girls two of them being twins and they are all close in age. My oldest Cheyanne is 6, Abby and Emma are 4 now. Most of us know that girls can be dramatic well mine are a special kind of dramatic they fight everyday, over everything including what they wear, and why is her outfit prettier than mine, and there are many other things that are pointless to even write about.


I'm not a perfect mom by any means but who is a perfect parent, I mean I have to hide in my pantry if I want a little snack for myself, and as much as I hate to admit most of the time we live off of fast food mainly McDonald's because that's all I can get my kids to eat, I have forgotten what its like to shower by myself because I don't like to leave them alone because they might kill each other, and I cant count how many times I've called them by the wrong name but oh do they make sure they correct me, and trying to keep my house clean forget it, yep this is my life. I love my girls and wouldn't trade them for the world but boy do they drive me crazy. I have had days where I just want to shut myself in a room and cry and I have had days where I enjoy every single bit of it because I know one day they will be gone and this house will be empty, and it will be spotless clean.!


So all that matters to me is that they are happy, seeing my kids happy makes me happy and to all the mommas or soon to be mommas or any parent just remember successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled, they are the ones who never give up despite the struggles.

Thanks for everyone that has read this. I am new to steemit and I am not a writer or blogger but I am trying lol. Any feedback would be appreciative. :)

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