Joys of Parenting!

Are you a parent? Have you ever felt like the worst mom or dad ever? I know I sure have. I often question my self. Probably multiple times a day! Am I following the right parenting style? Am I raising them the right way to be respectful human beings instead of little assholes? Did I do this or that right? I often sometimes wonder with how many spats my nine year old daughter and I get in, If our relationship will survive these hard years? However it is days like today, that my insecurities as a parent are eased for a little while.


This morning as I was laying in bed pretending to sleep, so I could get an extra five minutes of peace and quite, I felt my husband get up out of bed. In my head at this point I knew it was the end. The end of my beautiful quiet time. My children were sure to hear him and come running to the sound of his footsteps. I decided to lay in bed on the odd chance it did not happen and I could remain in bed a little longer. As I lay there I hear "surprise!". Now I am curious and spring out of bed to see what the commotion is. When I hit the dinning room I could see the smiles on their faces as they could barely hold back their excitement. They all started shouting at the same time!


Wow! What a surprise my kids were aparantly up the whole time making us breakfast. I really love their selections. Broccoli, cucumbers, celery, apple, strawberries, oatmeal pumpkin snackle, pumkin pie pudding(😂pudding for breakfast) and all natural juice. Most of the breakfast was healthy and they are learning the importance of veggies and fruit, but still managed to throw some sweets in there. Most likely because deep down they are kids and they want that for breakfast!



They even went as far as writing us a nice note. I really liked their creativity on the whole restraunt idea. My kids truly are the best. They got so carried away making us breakfast, that they did not even make any for themselves. I think I will be putting that note away for years to come. A story I can share with my grandkids some day!


While I sat there and ate my breakfast, with their wide eyes and childish grins watching me, I realized that these are the times we as parents cherrish. We probably cherrish them most because they give us the sense of reassurance. Knowing that everything we are doing is making a difference. All those sleepless nights with babies, times we chased after toddlers, when we are struggling with school aged children, no matter the stage, it is worth it. If you are still in those years, don't give up! These are the moments you have to look forward to. These are the "awe" moments of parenting, and I am in "awe" today!

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