Proud Father Moment #254783

Today marked a bit of a milestone for us. We took our 2 year old daughter through the car wash for the first time to see how she'd like it.

She's been watching a cartoon on YouTube called Gecko's Garage which has a car wash a regular feature, so we were confident she wouldn't freak out, but she was quite fascinated by the whole process.

So in we drive after entering in the code, and wait for it to start. We're all safely in the car (my wife in the back with the little one just to make sure she was OK). The windows were up, and I made sure to lock them so little hands couldn't accidentally wind one down to flood the car.

Just as the brushes were starting up, and we're past the point of no-return and have to sit through the duration of the wash, it begins.....

It started with a tickle at the back of the nose, that soon hit the back of the throat and had the eyes watering in no time. My daughter had let out a fart that had smell that I was sure would outlast religion. It was terrible, and we were trapped.

There was no way out and for three whole minutes of eyes watering, throat burning and almost retching we suffered through until we could get out and wind down the windows without getting soaked.

It was both terrible, and brilliant. That's my little girl!!!

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