My Application to be a Partiko Partner / 我要成为Partiko的伙伴!

First of all, thanks @joannewong for the tagging to the announcement of the application of the Partiko Partner. If you have it to read the official announcement from @partiko, here's the link.

I love using Partiko. It's easy and fast to use. After meeting both and @jackycrypto at SteemFest 3, my love for Partiko has grow more and more each day. These two guys are really down to earth and super nice. They will listen and take action to make our user experience better and better.

谢谢 @joannewong 在Partiko的帖留言通知我。也谢谢你一直鼓励我。豁出去了这次!

And during the second day of SteemFest 3, I got the Partiko hoodie after the Partiko sharing session. So I have been wearing the hoodie the whole day. And during the dinner that day, this was sent to me by none other but my good brother @aaronleang... 😂😂😂 I was even mistaken as Team Partiko by some others when they were looking for the official Partiko Team. I guess I am quite a good candidate to be a Partiko Partner after all. 😎😎😎

还有SteemFest 3第二天,Partiko的分享完毕后,我有拿到了Partiko的连帽衫。我就把它穿了起来。穿了一天哟。非常喜欢这连帽衫的设计。也因为如此,当天被蛮多人误认为我是Partiko的工作人员。哈哈。。。😂😂😂还有在用晚餐前收到这照片,是的就是我那“好弟弟”@aaronleang“偷拍”的。所以我觉得我成为Partiko的伙伴应该是蛮符合的。

So if you have yet to download Partiko, what are you waiting for? Go to Play Store or App Store, click INSTALL for Partiko! And if you have not join their Discord Channel, here's the invitation. Support is there!

什么?你没用过Partiko!快到Play Store或App Store下载Partiko!现在就下载!别再犹豫了!真的很好用!用这Partiko却还没加入他们的Discord Channel,请按[这里](加入!

Finally, wish me luck! Let's grow together with Partiko! With love and thanks!


Image credits to @littlenewthings, @sireh and @skyleap

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