Steemy Summer Party-Great Time, Great People

Yesterday @goatgarden and I had the opportunity to travel a hop, skip and jump up the road to the first ever Steemy Summer Party in Kansas City.

On the drive there I got a little nervous. This was a bit out of my comfort zone. I didn't know anyone there but my husband! But that feeling quickly left. We made introductions, and we made new friends.
@stellabelle put a whole lot of thought and effort into this event! She made enough food for 60 people, complete with Steemit cupcakes. I could tell she loves what she does and is trying to encourage others to be successful. Thank you, @stellabelle!
@jessamynorchard performed for us. What a voice she has!
My husband @goatgarden and I are just a month into Steemit, but were made to feel at home. I'm still trying to process how it all works, so it was very nice to meet actual people who know the ropes.
We got to meet (check them out if you haven't already):

The thing that impacted me most was these people are here to help people! They are not out for themselves only. What a refreshing realization.
Thankfully others took pictures. It didn't even cross my mind. I think i was too excited. Oops. @stellabelle took this one, so the photo credit goes to her. :) DQmPNJQ3waVCmjVgCVQmfGGPB6LzcqZEjfAgJMjdPnYRmeK_1680x8400.jpgYou can see the chicken on my shirt and half my face.

If ever you have an opportunity to go to a Steem event, by all means GO! The knowledge and comraderie you can gain are so worth it.

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