Walimah ursyi


Kemeriahan pesta nampak terasa sekali dirumah Bapak Haji Marzuki.hari ini beliau akan melangsungkan acara resepsi pernikahan puyri sulungnya Eva Yanti Meutia.
Gadis lulusan kodekteran gigi ini akan dipersunting oleh Hidayat al asyi.
Acara akan dimulai pagi ini jam 7:00 wub dirumah kediaman beliau di desa Putoh Sa kecamatan Pantee Bidari.
Acara ini rencananya akan di hadiri oleh sekitar 3.000 tamu undangan dari berbagai kalangan.tetapi kebanyakan adalah dari kalangan pengusaha.


Ini adalah suasana ditempat pemotongan lembu.sampai tadi malam sudah dua ekor lembu dipotong.

The #ccc initiative, "newbies helping newbies" and "guaranteed Daily Income and Payout"", has launched. If you want to use #ccc as your hastag the please follow the rules as below
Curation Circle Creed - a Proposal to Help Newbies to Start Earning His / Her Full Share on Day One!
I will only post original contents (not counting graphics or external links) on steemit or busy only.
I will clearly and properly source references, text and other media, abiding by copy rights.
I will respect other people's opinion, nationality, religious belief, language, and culture.
I will abide by rules laid out in the FAQ and generally accepted by the community.
I also understood and agreed that: if my post has been voted or flagged by @cheetah, @steemcleaner, @introbot, or @badcontent or similar bots, it is immediately disqualified for said benefits. Please read this post from @freedomshift

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