This might be one of the most important topics I want to talk about and message to spread! Life is only so long and we oftentimes realize that when more than half of our time has already passed... So instead of being so caught up in a system created for workers, we need more freedom fighters, not only for general purposes but because I strongly believe that you as a person should be doing what you love everyday, you should focus and use your strengths only, explore your talents, find out what you love to do and do it with passion to serve your true purpose and create a meaningful life.

In addition to the latest episode of @piedpiper and I's talk:

Steemit In Schools: How We're Empowering Kids To Free Themselves

I want to share with you a video that has gone viral and in 24 hours received  7 Million views. So if you haven't already seen it, it is really worth watching, just like the content of the author/speaker he puts out.

In this video he explains for why a change in our educational system isn't just a good idea, but a necessary step to take. His message is clear, the format and setting beautifully matched and his presence powerful. 

Just take a look:

I could now talk about the content and break down the very important sub messages he delivers, but I much rather want to talk about the performance, the feeling and power he evokes. Most videos that go viral are have to do with something a lot of people can either relate to, or that personally gets to them in a way. The reason for why his words, message and presence combined are as powerful as they are I believe is because of one main reason... 


You can tell by the way he expresses his thoughts, his body language, precise choice of phrasing, clear structure, well thought out concept and PASSION in his presentation, that he truly means it. He inspires others because it is his passion to inspire, he frees his mind, expresses honesty and people appreciate that. 

The man himself: 

Prince Era

This is just one video of many topics he tackles. 2 years ago I shared a video of his on FB for for the first time and from then on kept watching his videos. I very much, just like I'm assuming you do too, appreciate authenticity and feel passion. 

For quite some time I've tried doing something, going after something for the wrong reasons and I believe we all have at some point... In that moment you might think and are convinced that your goals really are your goals, but only because your subconscious tricks your mind with reasons... meanwhile your heart disagrees. 

I don't think there's one formula to finding true happiness, but essentially you need to know what your heart desires and what your soul fulfills.  After realizing that I can only be good at something and give 100% when I love doing it and when passionate about it, I began to refuel energy and my happiness increased rapidly.  If you aren't truly passionate about what you are doing on a daily basis, maybe it is time for a change and time to let it go. That is something I try to constantly remind myself of in any area of life.

The unstoppable drive, acceleration to success happens when you have found your fuel:

purpose + passion = determination = success

So now I gave you the example of true passion and the language being "speaking". The power of passion however goes way beyond and includes many different languages. I want to give you just three examples in this blogpost to demonstrate passion and making it your life.



There are many dancers who inspire me and I love watching.

Currently these two are killing the game and amaze me like crazy, because of their insane passion and determination. You don't have to be a dancer to receive a feeling and understand what's going on. 

Their names:  Jade Chynowth and Josh Killacky

Also messages can be spread and communicated in so many different ways. While Prince Era is a passionate speaker, Charles Roy and Jojo Gomez are also passionate dancers as well as choreographers, who share a deep passion which is expression through the art of dance and spreading powerful messages:


There are so many incredibly talented singer out there, but the ones who completely are on top of the game, are the ones where the passion in their voice makes you get real goosebumps. Of course These two modern day examples impress with not only their gifted talent, but expression of their passion through it. These live performances are so real and lets you feel touched by each note hit. An incredible way of achieving connection though emotion...


Queen B


Business doesn't fit in next to poetry, dance and music? WRONG! Business is an incredible art that is highly underestimated in my opinion. If you don't know who Gary V. is... he is a passionate entrepreneur, investor, bestselling author, public speaker and internet personality and perfect example for being passionate about business. His passion for what he does I believe is what inspires people most. He conveys his messages in such a real and accessible way, that it is easy to understand and yet deep to comprehend. Check him out:

He takes the following advice to heart and loves the work he does, just like the other artists:

Now I introduced to you 8 people who couldn't be more different..

but what all these people have in common is something beautiful, life fulfilling...  TRUE PASSION! 

They have overcome the fear of exposure and freedom of speech. Even though the language, the carrier is not the same, the power of message is conveyed with such passion it evokes emotion..some might feel inspired, others motivated, and others simply impressed... but the point is that each artist has found their pathway to convey and spread emotion on a level anyone in the world can connect to. If you want to make a change of some sort, the best way is to follow such examples and find YOUR way to express yourself, it might be to write blogposts on Steemit ... whatever it is, I hope you seek to find it and share it, because only then we can make a change of any kind.



Much love 

- Mrs.Steemit

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