Password Scraper Hackers


These types of hackers are referred to as "scrapers" or "trawlers" as what they do is search the blockchain for users who accidentally pasted their passwords somewhere. They look for wallet transfer memos, plain text, or even accidental pastes in chat. This is all they do because it's easy and profitable.

Known Accounts

These are the accounts belonging to (either through registration or permanent transfer) to the hackers:




These hackers have other accounts. The actual account does not matter. They don't post on the accounts or use them to spam, they just transfer money around through them.

If you see a transfer of your SBD/STEEM to those accounts, it means you've revealed your password (master key) and they have taken possession of your account as a result.

Information Posts (in this series)

Read these posts to understand how to recover your account.


Additional Post-Recovery Steps

Make sure you revoke all posting roles. Third party applications retain your posting authority even after the password is changed. Hackers, who still have your original password and keys, may continue to use them to spam the blockchain from your account.


To check if you have any apps that have been granted authority, take a look at your steemd page. On the left side you'll see something that looks like this:


Log into steemconnect here:

Put in your username and the posting key:

You will get something that looks like this:

Click "Revoke" and refresh your steemd page to make sure the transaction went through. You can re-add the third party apps later as you need to.

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