Secong Creative Writing Challenge - Task #4 - The kindest of strangers

Hii! This is my entry for task #4 of @steemfluencer's second creative writing challenge. This week's been pretty hectic for me and I've had almost no time for anything (I started class last week, I'm in the process of making a cake for the wedding of the sister of a close friend and I also got sick this week). Anyways, I feel inspired and I'm awestruck by the work of @hristoatanasov. I'm more than happy to help :) Hope you enjoy my story!

The sun was unrelenting on his back and sweat was trickling down every part of his body. Anton couldn't remember the last time he ate and it has been hours since he had a sip of water. The excuse for clothes he had on barely covered him from the sun's rays and from the cold during the night. He was exhausted from walking around begging for food and decided to sit down on the street. For a moment he closed his eyes and imagined what life would've been like if he hadn't been left alone to fend for himself so young.

The sound of a truck getting close and parking woke him up from his dreams. Anton was a curious boy so he decided to watch what the people who got out were doing. A man and two boys that looked nothing like him got out. They started collecting rubbish from recycling containers. Suddenly the man locked eyes with him and a smile curved his lips. Why was that man smiling at him? A moment later he said something to the boys and walked towards him. Anton didn't understand why a man would willingly walk up to a homeless boy with tattered clothes and bad smell.

"Hello, I'm Hristo Atanasov" He offered his hand to him.
"I'm Anton" His reply sounded more like a question than anything else.
"It seems you need some help and I want to offer it to you. Those two boys you see there used to live on the streets too and I took them in. I'm willing to do the same for you as long as you help around the house"

Was this guy a rapist or something like that? No sane person would take strangers to his home; but what were his other choices? If he refused he would die from hunger anyways. Picking out the lesser of two evils Anton decided to accept Hristo's offer. He met the other two boys, Boris and Dimitar. Both of them were around his age and welcomed him warmly.


Hristo turned out to by a good guy that taught Anton all he knew today; the most important lesson he learned was to always be willing to lend a hand to those in need. With that in mind Anton managed to grow and save enough to move out and start his own life. He met a wonderful woman who became his wife and gave him a beautiful baby girl.

Anton was elected major of the town where he moved out to and all of it was possible thanks to Hristo. There wasn't anything he could do to thank him enough. Now he got reelected and decided to pay him a visit. Hristo's home is currently housing 22 people and he wanted to meet them all and try to help Hristo in anyway he could.


Anton learned that he was in the process of collecting enough money to buy houses for two so that he could help more people. There was no one Anton had met who is as caring and devoted to helping others as Hristo. Now that he was major he had more money and Anton wanted to donate whatever he could to help Atanasov achieve hi goal. One day this man gave him back his life and Anton wouldn't rest until he could give someone what Hristo gave him.

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