My Entry to "Week 11 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest" by @thedarkhorse

First thing first as I would like to convey my happiness and gratitude to @the darkhorse, @lynncoyle1, @wolfhart, @EnergyAddict, @tryskele and all others who are part of this for considering my entry for Pay It Forward 10th is worth enough to for a reward. It really strengthened my bond with this great platform and also it made a statement in my perception about this platform that there is much more than in the depth to this Steemit.

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I happened to came across many profiles and efforts that few people are really determined to guide, motivate and give a proper direction many wandering and to be or not to be type of members. I don't have a full list in my mind but I can recollect few names like greetersguild, tryskale, freedomshift etc

Now this is my fourth week on a trot that I wanted desperately to participate in contest, moreover the winner tag from the last week made me nothing but a commitment to this community if we can call so.

Those who would like to know more about this contest visit this post

So here is my entry and I would like to mention that there not many in my list with less RP and who really need a motivation, hence I selected two random people from my feed. The fact is neither they are following me nor I follws them but from their profile I think they have some special talent in their own subjects they are familiar with. So read on

First Nominee:


Despite knowing that crypto currencies are going to rule the world in the near future and this platform in which I am fully engrossed is breathing its life with the term crypto, but that is a word I am still not dared to venture into for knowing exactly what it is? And as a matter of fact I have a huge respect to those whoever mastered on it and thereby my first nominee is @LindaCrypto who seems to be well versed with Crypto and its implication, terminology etc etc

And here is the nominated post: @lindacrypto/bnktothefuture-the-online-investment-platform-this-week-s-guest-on-huobi-talk titled BnkToTheFuture : the Online Investment Platform, this week’s guest on Huobi Talk

Second Nominee: @sonia-div

Another random pick from the feed, @sonia-div is infact a newbie with only 12 posts under her blog page, but it seems @sonia-div have interest in diverse fields and I really loved the way the explanation given on the habit of Envy as follows.

envy is a personality that looks at where you are and the fact that someone else is ahead of you; then begins to launch attacks of annoyance, malice or even hatred.

Here is the nominated post link

@sonia-div/envy titled Envy


Would you like to spare some time to know What is Pay It Forward and this contest, Click here)

My Previous Entries:

  1. @angelro/contest-week-8-pay-it-forward-curation-contest-by-thedarkhorse-my-entry

  2. @angelro/contest-week-9-pay-it-forward-curation-contest-by-thedarkhorse-my-entry

  3. @angelro/my-entry-to-the-week-10-pay-it-forward-curation-contest-by-thedarkhorse


With best Regards,
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