My Entry to "Independence Day - Week 14 of Pay It Forward Curation Contest" - @thedarkhorse

Happy Independence Day!

Please see my greetings in my earlier post.


Week 14 Rules (One Week Rule Change)

This week you may feature anyone you wish regardless of their reputation score.

For week 14 you will need a curation style entry that includes 2 High Quality Original Content Blog Posts from any level reputation score steemians.


First, reasons for my choices this week:

To showcase two successful steemians for your benefits as they are so successful that our upvotes or prizes will not be noticeable.

@sweetsssj (75)

Travel with me #112 : Ihlara Valley & Derinkuyu Underground City!

I know, this post is already 6 days old and there is not a more recent one.

Ihlara Valley

I am not going to quote or paraphrase this blog - it won't do it or you justice.

Just note: This post has already been upvoted for $503 (rounded).

It seems that @sweetsssj, at a young age, has already achieved a good level of independence. And, I can only marvel ...

Next, not as successful but still worthy of admiration.

@lenatramper (66)

Follow Me to A Sandy Beach in Tuscany - Sandstrand in der Toskana, kommt mit!

She published and publishes a series of travel blogs and most, if not all, in English first and then in German.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-03 um 23.07.56.png

Relaxing at the beach

Her posts generated from under $5 to over $250 based on the last dozen or so posts.

This from traveling with the economy of budgets, I'll say that she is rather independent (she seems to have a job as well and some travels are somewhat related to her trips for work, I think-guess).

Well, Happy Independence Day!

The following are samples of what people celebrate with ...

šŸŽ† 🎆 šŸŽ‡ 🎇 šŸŽˆ 🎈 šŸŽ‰ 🎉 šŸŒ­ hot-dog 🌭 šŸŒ® taco 🌮 šŸ‡ grapes 🍇 šŸ‰ water mellon 🍉 šŸŠ orange 🍊 šŸŒ banana 🍌 šŸ pineapple 🍍 šŸŽ apple 🍎 šŸ 🍏 šŸ pear 🍐 šŸ‘ 🍑 šŸ’ 🍒 šŸ“ strawberry 🍓 šŸ” burger 🍔 šŸ• pizza 🍕 šŸ– 🍖 šŸ— 🍗 šŸ˜ 🍘 šŸœ 🍜 šŸ 🍝 šŸž bread 🍞 šŸŸ french fries 🍟 šŸ  🍠 šŸ£ sushi 🍣 šŸ¤ 🍤 šŸ¦ 🍦 šŸ§ 🍧 šŸØ 🍨 šŸ© 🍩 šŸŖ 🍪 šŸ« 🍫 šŸ¬ 🍬 šŸ­ 🍭 šŸ® 🍮 šŸÆ 🍯 šŸ° cake 🍰 šŸ± 🍱 šŸ· 🍷 šŸø 🍸 šŸ¹ 🍹 šŸŗ beer 🍺 šŸ¾ 🍾 šŸæ 🍿

All the best!

Cheers! šŸ¾ šŸ· šŸŗ šŸ¹

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