Second Creative Writing Challenge:Task #4-Hristo a Most Humble Man

When he was a young man Hristo had many dreams for his life. He was adopted by a loving family along with another child who they generously took into their home when neither had anywhere else to go. This was the only family the two children had ever known. They were poor, but most importantly they were happy.


Hristo longed to travel, to see the world, and to meet new people. Bulgaria was too small for his dreams. Curiosity often found him deeply entrenched in conversations with total strangers. Hristo made it a point to work near the docks where the visitors gathered after debarking from ships. He loved the feeling of mixing with all types of people from all over the world.


Living above the cafe, Hristo would attend classes during the day and work each night serving customers. One night a kindly older gentleman stopped for coffee just as Hristo was closing the shop. Being the gentle soul he was Hysto made the man a coffee, while finishing his evening chores. When he was about to leave for the evening the gentleman beckoned for him to join him at his table. This began the most interesting night of Hristo's life.

The man's name was Tomas, and he was such a kind soul. Stories spilled from his lips effortlessly about his many wanderings and the people he had met. He had been privileged to be seen in the company of politicians, learned professors, historians etc. His life had been a treasure trove of illustrious occasions, but the people whom he liked most, that satisfied his intellect most genuinely were those of little means. For they were the salt of the earth, having integrity, honesty, and humility.

Tomas recited his own past and much to his surprise it was much like Hristos . He had started out poor as a pauper, but had prospered beyond his expectations in a whimsical moment when he parlayed his money. He had lost all but a fraction of it. Aghast at the thought Hristo found the man's attitude regarding his losses humbling. He wondered how Tomas could live with this great misfortune. Tomas finished his story and bid Hristo farewell, they shook hands hugging like old friends. After letting Tomas out the door he cleared the coffee cup from the table revealing five one hundred dollar bills.

For the next couple of weeks Hristo thought long and hard about Tomas. There was no doubt in his mind the two men were destined to meet. Tomas had set in motion about a plan that would last for the rest of Hristo's life. Recently, he had noticed a for sale sign on an old property which was now a defunct veterinary clinic. Making a few inquiries he was able to purchase the property and begin the task of making it his own. The few acres that accompanied the clinic were wooded filled with trash left by passersby too lazy to properly dispose of it.


With his tent and makeshift leanto Hristo envisioned a life of humble servitude where he could help others achieve their dreams. There were plenty of recyclable materials lying about right there on the property. With a little help he could start sorting things out. He knew a few of the local merchants who would probably recycle their unusable items through him. It was a beginning. A plan. Before long Hristo had also acquired a following of both young and older people alike coming to him asking for work. He hadn't the heart to turn them away. He began to worry he would not have enough food for his new found friends. They had become not only his comrades but his blended family.


Asking around Hristo found there was a great need for construction clean up crews. They would have to work fast, get in and get out again, so a new crew could move in next. It was an opportunity to employ his new family with the added benefit of being able to keep some of the materials they found at the sites and recycle them. Before long he had a booming little business that he was very proud of. Many of the people he had helped were just passing through having little interest in working or giving back. Being drifters they usually didn't stay very long.


Twenty five years later Hristo had welcomed many people into his humble home. Business had expanded, the volunteers had just turned the vet clinic into a cafeteria where the family could eat together sharing their days. Tomas had given Hristo's life new meaning. In turn Hristo was a proud man with a family much larger than he could have imagined.


All text owned by @mother2chicks

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