Entry for the Pay it Forward Curation Contest :Week 12

Pay It Forward Curation Contest is a weekly challenge by @thedarkhorse to find bloggers and promote.

Source : thedarkhorse's post

I always prefer the original and qualified writing. When I find any good writers or bloggers I try to visit his blog regularly. Sometime their blogs help me much to get some new information.
Today I am writing about them.

@toufiq Rep:41

His content are super original. He always share his original caption. He doesn't copy another photo. If he does he clearly explore the resources. Here is a link of his resourceful post :

And second,

@tomista Rep:50

He is a sophisticated writer. Mainly write about classic music. His writing quality is so high. You can follow him. Here is a link of his recent post :
Hope you guys enjoy the blogs.

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