The Two Sides of the Coin

This is a #payitforward post. Every single cent will be transferred to @hristoatanasov's wallet.

Before you decide to support the initiative, let me tell you the whole story.

The coin has two sides. Some of us toss a coin and see its good side, however some of us don't have the same chances and they get its bad side.

Image source

And by the “bad” side I mean:

  • born in a family of alcoholics
  • lose parents at an early age- you name it
  • be kicked out of orphanages
  • name it yourself

It's a story of a man who has decided to take care of the people who had bad luck and got the bad side of the coin.

I really don't know a lot of people like him.

He has devoted his life to provide ones who didn't have a chance to grow up in healthy families with shelter and food.

This man is @hristoatanasov. Read his story here.

He has become a father for dozens of orphans and his mission is to save his country from at least one new robber, one new prostitute, one new alcoholic or a drug addicted person.

Try to imagine it:

Most of us have various dreams related to traveling, owning any type of gadgets, cars, providing enough for our families. Well … this is who we are. Suddenly Steemit has entered our lives and we are given this rare opportunity to observe the lives of people with different natures. People like @hristoatanasov.

Contrary to our dreams @hristoatanasov's dream is to help his boys achieve their own dreams - find a job and have their own places to live.

!Hristo dream.png

I know you won't get me wrong. The comparison is hyperbolised intentionally.

For me, this is a role model to follow and I'm really happy to know that such type of people still exist on the planet Earth. It gives me a new hope that we haven't forgotten about our roots and we are still given enough time for a change.

Let me tell you few facts I've learned about him:

• he has helped dozens of orphans: taught them various skills, how to live with dignity and showed them how to earn honest money without stealing
• he has refused to kick these boys and girls back to the streets no matter how tough the situation was
• he has helped 2 people to reinstate their eyesight – 5 years ago he managed to help 2 men covering the costs for their operation
• NB! He doesn’t tolerate laziness: he's build few revenue streams for the people living with him and work every single day. He's trying to fill the gaps they have because of their destiny before they met him.

There are countless stories and I hope he will be able to share some of them with you.

I encourage every minnow, dolphin and whale to support him, because as @decentralizd recently said:

What's the goal.JPG

It just doesn't make sense spending our time on Steemit to earn few cents for ourselves while people like Hristo wake up every morning and think how to help people around him in any way he can.

I'm about to spread the post on the Steemfluencer Club in few minutes.

Thank you guys!

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