I don't usually do challenges unless they enhance my proficiency on Steemit in one way or another . After all time is limited and if I spend time here why not make sure that it also developed my skills at the same time .
I was reading a post from someone I follow religiously . The information I get from doing so is priceless . He put out a challenge in his post today . One that develops skills , Steemit skills , so how can one not take up the task or challenge .

It's a simple challenge one that we are already doing . Its called an hour a day challenge . There is my tip for the day .

It takes me at a minimum of two hours , and up to six hours to complete a post . That's a long time . It tells you that I am not too familiar with word processor and formatting . Let along checking for errors and all the little things getting ones thought onto paper . That does not include the amount of times I had to start all over because I lost the texts.

Keeping my creating a post to one hour will be challenging with a small amount of fun thrown in . I am interested in seeing how after a week the improvements or new skills develop . I suspect it will be noticeable maybe not on your end but mine .

I have five minutes left . The time went by fast a little to fast . A week from now I will compare the first and last challenge posts . There should be a difference . I have nothing to lose by the challenge and only something to gain .


The payitforward lastest post now has its own account ( @pifc ) in order to support its perticapents better . As most of you know I am part of this curation contest . It is a good way for Redfish to increase their SP by entering . A post will come out later today with this weeks contest . Take a look and and see if its for you .

Rules for the challenge

TAG: #anhouraday
It is pretty easy really.

  • spend at least one hour every day developing and posting content.
  • time yourself if you must
  • do it attentively, try
  • do not shitpost, create
  • pay attention to yourself
  • do it regardless of whether you feel like it
  • no excuse

I thank you for reading and hope you participate . I can tell you one thing for sure I know there is no @curie vote and hopefully no flag for content 😃
I did enjoy this hour

user / Redfish

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